Chapter 4

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Patch and the twins were still left alone on stage, while the poor spotted pup was feeling miserable with himself.

"Well, on the bright side, at least we tried" Brock told Patch, trying to cheer him up. 

The scrappy pup looked up to the twins for a moment but then hung his head in sadness and sighed.

"Lets go home" Ann told Patch, as they started to leave the park.

Just then, the twins and Patch saw Thunderbolt sneak out of his trailer past some humans in a disguise the twins found ridiculous.

"Hi Thunderbolt!" Patch said, causing the wonder dog to yelp, startled by the puppy's excitement.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You got the wrong dog kid" he chuckled a little nervously.

"Oh, please. We know it's you" Ann said, knowing it was obvious.

"Yeah, that's the same disguise you used in episode 18. "Gambling Gophers of Gunfire Gulch" Patch added while wagging his tail.

"Oh, for howling out loud! Now you've blown my cover" Thunderbolt said, angry at Patch while he took off his disguise.

"This is champion! I'm your biggest fan Thunderbolt, I know every episode by heart. Remember the time when you fought that grizzly bear, and rescued those orphans, and then the dam broke-" Patch continued on talking to his idol, honored to meet him.

"Hey, aren't you the squeaky toy?" Thunderbolt asked Patch, recognizing him from the auditions.

"Yeah, that's me" Patch chuckled and smiled sheepishly.

"He's not as bad as you think" Brock defended Patch.

"Listen kid-" Thunderbolt started before he paused for a moment and looked to the twins, slightly confused.

"You... can... speak dog? What are you some kind of wizard... or witch?" the German Shepherd asked the human kids.

"We get that a lot" Brock told the TV star dog. 

"It's a long story" Ann added, shrugging her shoulders. 

"They're only the most awesomest, bestest humans I've ever met!" Patch told Thunderbolt about the Harpercop twins. 

Just then... 

"Good gracious gravy look at that! A cat stuck up in that tree!" Thunderbolt looked up to a tree and noticed a cat.

"She is?" Patch and the twins asked, confused.

"Oh, my heart goes out to the poor helpless creature" Thunderbolt said dramatically, not knowing the cat was really after some baby birds to eat for its lunch. 

"Now if I were me what would I do?" Thunderbolt smirked, knowing that he would just read his script but then realized he didn't have a script.

"This is just like when Tommy was trapped on that cliff in episode 29. That one was a classic" Patch started to recite while Thunderbolt started to panic.

Brock and Ann looked to each other, confused while listing to Patch and Thunderbolt's conversation. 

"Pooch!" Thunderbolt scowled at Patch. 

"Patch!" the dalmatian pup corrected him.

"Whatever! I'm trying to panic here!" Thunderbolt said.

"What do we do?" the twins asked. 

Patch then mentioned about a barrel, a cliff, and a plank of wood he knew from that episode, giving Thunderbolt an idea.

"Precisely" The wonder dog said. Thunderbolt then knocked over a trashcan and grabbed a ladder, using the items as a catapult to rescue the cat.

"Hang on, little kitty. Help is on the way!" Thunderbolt called out all heroically to the cat.

The twins face-palmed and quietly mumbled. "This can't end well" 

The man who was using the ladder from above to wash the windows soon fell from the building, landing on the ladder, sending Thunderbolt flying through the air and hitting the branch the cat was on. The cat suddenly fell out of tree, but not before hitting a few branches on the way down. Thankfully though, the cat landed on all four feet.

The cat sighed out in relief before Thunderbolt suddenly landed on top of the cat, crushing it. 

"There you are my good man. No need to thank me, the look on your face is thanks enough" Thunderbolt said to the cat.

"Now smile for the cameras" Thunderbolt told himself. But no photographers or press coverage showed up.

"Hey, that's strange. Where are all the photographers? The press is always around when I do something" Thunderbolt was confused.

Thunderbolt then got off the cat while he murmured to himself. "What's the matter with all you English people? Are you all having tea?"


"Well, that was the most interesting thing I've seen today" Ann said to her twin brother. 

"That was champion Thunder, just like on the TV!" Patch said, running over to him along with the twins.

"I'll say" Brock added sarcastically, murmuring a bit so Patch or Thunderbolt wouldn't hear. 

Thunderbolt was still upset that the press hadn't come yet. Until he got an idea from Patch, after mentioning how Patch knew all the episodes by heart and everything that happened in the show. 

Maybe Patch could help him out to become famous again.

"Hey, squeaky toy" the twins noticed Thunderbolt give a devious smile towards Patch while the dalmatian pup wagged his tail.

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