Chapter 10

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The police then arrived on the scene and arrested Cruella and her followers. This time Cruella was to be put into a mental institute, now acting completely insane. But Kali and the twins had a feeling that wouldn't be the last of her, but she decided not to worry about it right now.

Lars was talking to an officer about Cruella not liking his paintings and wanting to kill the puppies, when Nanny then arrived with another police officer to take Horace and Jasper away. Lightning did apologies to everyone about his bad actions and Kali would talk to the director about having Lightning get more attention on the show.

Kali glanced back, noticing Carlos hiding behind the corner, watching them with the police before he ran off. She gave a small smile, knowing there was good inside him.

"You're just gonna let him go?" Brock and Ann asked their sister, also seeing Carlos leave.

"He'll be back.. one day" Kali told them while smirking, knowing it would be awhile until Carlos De-Vil would return.

Roger and Anita then arrived with Pongo and Perdita in their car.

"There they are!", "They're all here" Everyone happily reunited, with the puppies being back with their parents and the Radcliffes. Even the twins and Kali were all happy to be back together with everyone.

"Patch, you're safe!" Perdita and Pongo ran to their son. Patch nuzzled with his parents, happy to see them.

"We were so worried about you" Perdita told her son.

"We missed you very much, Patch" Pongo added.

"You did?" Patch asked, feeling special. 

"Of course son" Pongo smiled to Patch.

Patch then decide to introduce his parents to Thunderbolt. "Mom, Dad, this is Thunderbolt. He saved us"

"I don't know how to thank you for saving my family" Pongo said to the german shepherd.

"Oh no, don't thank me. It was your son Patch who-" Thunderbolt started before the puppies came to their parents and started telling them how Patch saved them from Cruella Devil, with the twins' help.

"You should've seen Patch mother, he was fantastic. Just like Thunderbolt" said Dot.

"They're right kid" Thunderbolt told Patch. "Me, I'm just an actor. But you are a real one of a kind wonder dog"

A few photographers then came over and the dalmatians and the whole gang got their picture taken in the newspaper with Thunderbolt. Brock and Ann oblivious gave each other rabbit ears, always doing that in every picture, since it was their twin thing.

Patch was even given a medal for the heroism he had shown saving his family. 

Sometime later on, Patch got to appear on the show with Thunderbolt, with Kali, the twins, and the rest of the dalmatian puppies as extras. And Lightning finally got the attention he deserved.

Patch was now feeling very special indeed. The adventurous puppy was going to give living on the farm a try, until eventually when the time would come for him and many of his other siblings to be adopted by new loving families, including the Harpercop twins and their sister.

Kali and the twins smiled, watching the dalmatians playing on the farm as this was another adventure completed.


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