Chapter 5

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"Junior deputy test?" Patch was talking with Thunderbolt while the twins were walking behind them. 

The twins listen to the dogs conversation, finding out that Thunderbolt was worried about losing his job cause he believed he was gonna get killed off the show. But this left the twins a little confused. Where would the dog star get a crazy idea like that? They didn't tell Patch though, knowing that Thunderbolt was just an actor and that TV was all pretend. The adventurous puppy wouldn't understand.

The twins then came up to Patch and Thunderbolt, hearing the wonder dog say that Patch could be on the show with him if Patch passed a junior deputy test. 

Soon a horse pulling a stagecoach with a newly wed couple passed by the dogs and kids.

"Mother of pasteurized milk! That stagecoach is out of control!" Thunderbolt said in alarm. 

The twins just groaned to themselves, knowing this was gonna end badly.

"This is your first junior deputy test kid" Thunderbolt told Patch, giving the pup a thought on an episode that would help out in this situation.

"Okay. Well, this is just like episode 37 "Stagecoaches of Serpent Summit" Patch said.

"Very good" Thunderbolt told Patch before asking "Now episode 37, was that the one where I leap, run, and pounce?"

"No, No! That was the one where you run, pounce, and leap!" Patch told his idol.

"Precisely, stand back!" Thunderbolt took off while the twins sighed. "Oh, boy"

Thunderbolt chased after the stagecoach and soon jumped on the horse telling him. "Get a hold of yourself man. YOU'RE OUT OF CONTROL!" 

The horse took off frightened while the wedded couple panicked.

"It's okay, I'll get the brake!" Thunderbolt said.

The wonder dog then quickly pulled the brakes, having the coach come to a sudden stop, but sending the couple plunging into the lake. Thunderbolt then did his trademark bark, waiting for the photographers to take his picture, but none showed up.

"Still no photographers... How odd" he said while the twins face-palmed. 

"This is going to be a long day" they thought.

The twins went along with the whole unwittingly process helping Patch and Thunderbolt through all kinds of heroism attempts, even though they found this totally unnecessary. 

Meanwhile, Cruella Devil was having Lars make spotted paintings to soothe her fixation, however none of the paintings seemed to impress the relentless woman. 

The twins, Patch and Thunderbolt soon came by the zoo, before Thunderbolt stopped them at a corner.

"What is it?" Patch asked. 

The four of them then looked around the corner to see some zookeepers bring the monkeys out of their cages and put them on leashes.

"Looks like we've stumbled on a band of cattle wrestlers" Thunderbolt said.

The twins groaned. "Those are monkeys!"

"Even worse, monkey wrestlers!" Thunderbolt declared.

The twins groaned again, getting very annoyed with the TV star dog, not knowing how much more of this they could take. 

"Sounds like episode 34 to me" Patch said.

"Right answer once again... junior deputy" Thunderbolt told Patch.

"I passed the test!" Patch said, getting excited while wagging his tail.

"Think you guys can handle it?" Thunderbolt asked Patch and the twins.

"Ah, what the heck!" Brock sighed. 

"Let's do this!" Ann said out of excitement. 

"Lets get those monkey wrestlers!" Patch added.

Patch and Thunderbolt soon set to work with the twins joining them, scaring the monkeys off out of the zoo. Thunderbolt did his famous bark, Patch tried his best to copy him but his bark still came out as squeaks.

Later, the four of them were chased out of a restaurant, riding on a food cart and into the middle of the street, nearly getting hit by a car.

"Hey, get over on the right side of the road, buddy!" Thunderbolt yelled, as they headed into the park.

"Sheesh! London drivers" Thunderbolt said, getting off the food cart with the twins while Patch came out from under a food dish, eating a plate of hotdogs. 

"This is the best day ever!" Patch beamed while eating some hotdogs.

"I have to admit, this day has been pretty interesting" Ann said, eating a hotdog. 

"Yeah. Especially with all this food we got!" Brock added, enjoying his hotdogs.  

"I never knew it would be so much fun out here doing this real hero stuff" Thunderbolt stated.

"What do you mean? Don't you do this all the time?" Patch asked his idol.

Thunderbolt suddenly stopped chewing on his hotdog, realizing what he just said.

"Better think of something fast" the twins whispered to the TV star dog.

Thunderbolt then finished his hotdog, sucking it up in one bite before answering Patch's question.

"Oh, well, kid, uh... Well you know" Thunderbolt started, chuckling nervously.

"Of course I do! I do this all the time" He answered with a unrestrained laugh. Patch didn't seem so sure though.

"So, lets talk about you kids" Thunderbolt quickly changed the subject.

"Us?" Ann asked, pointing to herself. 

"Yeah, what's your story?" Thunderbolt asked them.

"Well uh-" Patch started.

"Hold on" Thunderbolt stopped him for a moment, before grabbing the rest of the string of hotdogs in his mouth. "Okay go on" He said.

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