A Note

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Hello, Readers! ^_^

I am writing this because I had a couple things to say. I know I haven't posted the next chapter yet, but I plan on publishing the next chapter tomorrow. I haven't had much time to write because I've been busy, and I've also had a bit of writer's block. Mostly, because I've just had other things running through my mind, and it was difficult to think about the next chapter. However, now I know what this next chapter will be, and the writer's block has cleared some. I get this way with stories sometimes. I always know what I want to happen, and I know how I would like it to end, but then I have to think of everything that builds up to that. Have any of you ever felt that way? I never like it because it can be frustrating for me, and then I get really excited about the chapters I want to write, but I can't write them yet because I have to build up to it. But the next chapter will be up soon, and I hope you all like it.

The last thing I have to say is that I am going to stop writing my other fan-fiction I have up. I'm unsure whether I will take it down, and write it later on. I ended up getting pulled back into this story, but I also want to publish my other story which is not fan-fiction, but my own story. However, I will be doing that after I complete my X-Men fan-fiction story Layla. For now, thank you all for reading this story, and taking the time to read it. I can't believe it's gotten 2.5K readers! Thank you, and I hope you all have a terrific weekend! ^_^


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