Chapter Four: The Stranger

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It wasn't the terrifying screams that echoed in this damn doom and gloom prison that awoke him. Those unsettling screams that shook him to his core, as people like him were tortured or experimented on for who they were. Day or night the screams never ceased and it was no wonder he had not gone insane, but after being down here for eleven years, he learned to adapt.

He had to adapt. 

What awoke him from his nightmarish dreams was the distant rattle of keys, and a pair of heavy footsteps pounding quickly his way. When he couldn't sleep, he listened to every sound inside this prison from the heart wrenching screams to a ballpoint pen dropping on the floor. He studied these sounds for eleven years, and was able to pinpoint what the sound belonged to, and what would be happening. It was a never ending, rhythmic cycle, which was why this particular minute and disorderly sound caught his attention. 

He remained lying down on his bed, keeping still as the footsteps drew closer, while crossing off his mental list of things it could be. It was not fresh catch as he coldly referred it to. For what else could he call it? They were not recruits, but merely lab rats to be poked and prodded on, or wild animals locked inside of cages to be displayed. He use to be a positive and somewhat hopeful person, but how his life has changed. Continuing on with his list, he crossed off the possibility of it being someone to be taken to the lab, or thrown back in their cell. There was only a singular pair of footsteps instead of multiple, and given the rattle of the keys that signified a guard. One lone guard, unless it was to retrieve or toss another back in their cell, was unusual. After crossing off his mental list, he was left perplexed. 

"What is the lone wolf doing all by himself?" He pondered with curiosity, as a smirk spread across his face. 

His question was soon answered when a lean, shadowy figure loomed above him. He remained still, listening as the guard inserted the keys into the lock. Why, could they possible want him? He had already endured his torture for the day, unless they were bored. He gritted his teeth together in anger, but relaxed as he tried to remain at ease with the guard around. The idea of escape crossed his mind, but left quickly. He had already tried that once, and with the mouth guard strapped across his face, he knew he wouldn't go anywhere. Besides, his powers were already dwindled because of those damn green lights they placed inside his cell. Escaping would be foolish. With a heavy sigh he wondered if he would ever leave this hell hole. 

"Alright, freak get up." The guard spat as he tasered him on his side. 

The painful shock spread through his body, but he ignored the pain as he pushed himself off his cold, metal bed that was hanging by two thin chainlink straps on the wall. Honestly, he was surprised the damn thing hadn't snapped in two given his height, and appearance. Keeping his eyes glued to the small guard he towered over, he willingly offered his hands to be cuffed. The guard eyed him with a questionable look, pretending to appear tough, but he saw that flicker of unease and panic deep within in his eyes. A dark, crooked smile lifted his lips, but was hidden away inside his mask.

"Feel like being nice today, huh?" The guard smirked as he reached for the cuffs hooked around his belt loop.

He was growing impatient and held the need to punch the man's throat. All the things he could do, wanted to do, if it hadn't been for these damn lights inside his cell. The guard cuffed him only to taser him once more, and inject the serum quickly inside his body, before they left. He silently cussed to himself because that serum restrained all his abilities for a lengthy period of time. They always used the serum after the experiments, so that no one could attack. If he could, he would burn this damn building to the ground, and torture them the way they tortured him. They would become his experiments that he would play with, and if they begged, like others such as him always do, he wouldn't listen.

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