A/N: Please Read Before Beginning the Story

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First of all, let me just say welcome to my story! It's my first one that I typed out fully and decided to post. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Second of all, this is a Steve Saga fanfic. If you don't know what the Steve Saga is, go watch FavreMySabre on YouTube. He's an amazing YouTuber and is almost at 700k subs.

Third of all, some context:

I thought of this story about 2 or 3 months ago, back when Memory Steve was still a thing. However, once Rainbow Steve and Sabre defeated Memory Steve, my story idea basically got caught in time. Meaning that there is a point in the Steve Saga where it stops being canon for my story. Everything after the video about the Memory Helmets being created isn't part of this fanfic. Memory Steve is still alive. Sabre, Rainbow Steve, and Purple Steve found another way to get Galaxy Steve back after the black hole was formed.

I just had to state this since I knew that people would be confused otherwise. Hopefully it makes sense. If it doesn't, just post a comment below and I can try to explain more.

See you in the coming chapters!

P.S.: I plan on posting the first chapter tomorrow, February 9th.

P.P.S.: Jk, turns out Wattpad has other plans. XD First chapter is out now!

The Reunion - A Steve Saga FanficWhere stories live. Discover now