Chapter 1

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Lightning flashed, over and over again. With his fingers crossed, Sabre hoped that this machine would get rid of Memory Steve for good. The gang had captured him a week ago, thanks to Galaxy Steve's ingenious idea. Exploding into a black hole really gave him a lot of free time to think over the group's current problems and how to address them. Now the only problem was destroying Memory Steve, which was easier said than done, as this was the third machine attempt and the previous two had failed.

"Sabre, I don't think it's working!" Purple Steve cried. Grumbling, Sabre turned off the machine, and the thunder faded into silence. Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve stepped out of their corresponding places in the machine with disappointment in their steps. Everyone stood in silence, wondering what was required to finally destroy Memory Steve, and in the process, restore Rainbow Steve's and Galaxy Steve's memories.

"If only we had the Power of the Universe and Rainbow Stone," Rainbow Steve sighed. "That could have provided a large enough connection to Galaxy Steve and me respectfully to regain our memories."

An idea hit Sabre like a bolt of lightning. "Maybe," he pondered "to make up for a lack of personal items, we just get more power and more powerful conductors to amplify the connection of general items symbolizing Rainbow and Galaxy Steve."

Silence. Then:

"That might actually work, Sabre!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed. "What do you need?"

"I need more diamonds and gold to make 5 platforms of gold surrounded by diamonds. More redstone is always useful too. Rainbow Steve and Purple Steve, can you go grab that for me please?"

"What about me?"

"Galaxy Steve, go get red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple wool for Rainbow Steve's personal object."

"On it!" Galaxy Steve replied. "We'll be back soon!" Sabre turned back to the machine and began revising it in order to prepare for the new materials. He was so focused on his edits, as one mistake could lead to Memory Steve escaping, that he didn't hear the sound of approaching footsteps. He only realized that someone was there when the tip of a sword was pressing against the small of his back.

Sabre instantly stiffened, mind racing. A voice, higher pitched than his own yet still decidedly male, rang out.

"Drop all your weapons in front of yourself and raise your hands in the air. If you don't comply, not only will this end up in your spine," the sword moving slightly, "you will find ten arrows in your body. It wouldn't turn out pretty, that's for sure."

Sabre obeyed, yet attempted to find a way out of this situation. One player verses what seemed to be about eleven people, possibly Steves, didn't sound like very good odds to him. If only everyone hadn't gone looking for materials! But even if he did die, it wouldn't be the end of the world. It would just be an inconvenience since....

The voice interrupted his panicked thoughts. "Now turn and face us, slowly." All thoughts and plans evaporated into mist at the sight in front of him.

"An elder blue Steve!" Sabre muttered.

A/N: Hello peoples! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm thinking of posting an update once a week because while I have already finished writing this story, I don't want to post the chapters until someone reads through it first and makes sure that I have no grammar errors. And by only posting this once a week (probably on Fridays, so keep your eyes peeled), it will give me time to start writing something that I'll post after I finish this fanfic. Does that sound good to you all? Or do you have another suggestion of how I should do this?

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