Fun Facts

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Hello, and welcome to fun facts! Here, I'm just going to mention a few cool things about this book.

1) Over this entire book (just in the chapters, not including the title), I wrote the word "Steve" 410 times. Not even kidding, that's what my Google Doc says when I do control f and type in "Steve." I know other people just type "Rainbow" or "Galaxy," but I personally don't want to use it because that isn't their names. Not to say that I don't like stories that address Rainbow Steve as "Rainbow." I just prefer using their entire names.

2) I had originally planned to finish writing the rough draft of the book before the first day of the new year. I was planning on staying up to midnight, but since I do that on a regular basis anyway, I was like "How could I make this special? Oh, I could finish my fanfic!" But... I was on the beginning of Chapter 7 when the clock hit midnight. So then I made it my New Year's Revolution to finish the book!

3) My favorite book series, Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, actually influenced me twice during this book. The first example is Blue Steve in Chapter 3.

"Fine," he said, sheathing his sword but still leaving his hand resting on the pommel.

Her writing style actually influenced how I wrote this little bit. Since swords make such a large appearance throughout the series, I learned how to write about swords and how they can be used to express emotion.

The second example is Rainbow Steve and Galaxy Steve in Chapter 4.

The two Steves stared each other down. Purple Steve and Blue Steve were watching them, amusement clear on their faces.

If you've read far enough into the series, you could probably tell that the territorial Fae dominance staring contests inspired this. I'm not going to explain what that means, because it's pretty funny, and I don't want to spoil it.

4) I originally planned on this to just be a single book. No sequel, no nothing. I was just going to leave it on the cliffhanger it currently is at, because I had NO IDEA how I wanted a fight with Void Steve to go. But then I thought "Well, if I want a fight with Void Steve to occur, ____ will have to happen," and then the entire story just wrote itself!

5) The original name of the town was supposed to be Steveville, however I personally found it very cringey. I asked the readers who had a better name idea, and Maggiebutton came up with Stevetopia.

Well, I can't think of anymore, but if I do, I'll add some more. See you all later!

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