Chapter 2

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A/N: Before this next chapter starts, I have just one thing to talk about. How AMAZING you guys are! Seriously, thanks so much to everyone who read the first chapter. In one day, this book got 49 views and has proceeded to get 96 views in one week. And I've only posted an author's note and the first chapter! It's like one of those occurrences that you hope will happen to you, but you know that it's the type of thing that only ever happens to other people. I'm ecstatic that you all enjoyed the first chapter, so I now reveal the second! Enjoy!

A diamond helmet adorned the Elder's head and a diamond sword was held confidently in his hand. Behind him, ten Steves of all the colors of the rainbow were aiming bows right at Sabre's head. The scene before Sabre, while undeniably dangerous, raised his spirits. He had believed that many of the normal Steves and all of the Elders had been destroyed by Nightmare Steve, yet he was thankfully wrong. The Elder spoke again.

"Now, who are you and what are you doing in this forest?"

Sabre decided to retort with "Is this how you treat every traveler passing through your woods? Because that doesn't seem like normal Steve behavior."

"In some circumstances," the Elder replied "extra precautions are necessary. Especially in these times, when no one can trust anyone. Especially if a non-Steve appears and is building something dangerous-looking so close to our town. What even are you? You look more like a chicken than a Steve."

"My name's Sabre and...."

"Hey Sabre!" Galaxy Steve called out. The Steves in the clearing turned to the approaching voice. "We got the mat...." The voice trailed off. With relief, Sabre spotted Galaxy Steve, Rainbow Steve, and Purple Steve returning. The Elder stared in the direction of the newcomers.

"What are you doing to our friend?!" Purple Steve exclaimed. The three pulled out their weapons of choice.

"I've got a stick, and I'm not afraid to use it!" Rainbow Steve threatened to the Elder. The Elder's eyes darted to Rainbow Steve, eyes widening with disbelief. His mouth opened, then shut again, and the sword fell out of his hand with a clank. The Elder turned to his group of Steves.

"Lower your weapons! And give this... Sabre his stuff back." The Steves obeyed, and Sabre walked towards his friends. The Elder started moving towards the four of them then, walking in the direction of Rainbow Steve as though he was in a dream. He stopped in front of Rainbow Steve and asked "Rainbow Steve, is that really you?"

"Yeah," Rainbow Steve replied. "What do you want?"

"Rainbow Steve," the Elder Steve said, tears forming in his eyes. "It's me. I'm Blue Steve."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Sorry, I couldn't help myself from leaving it at a cliffhanger. And I'm sorry that these chapters have been so short. I promise Chapter 3 will be longer. But I really do need some advice. I asked this last chapter and no one responded, soooo I'm trying again. I'm thinking of posting this once a week on Fridays. By posting this once a week, it gives me time to start working on the story that will come out after I finish this one (which will eventually be revealed, I promise). I REALLY don't want to rush it, so this once a week thing will give me the time I need to write a good start to the story and maybe even finish the entire thing. Who knows? But please, if you have any ideas, let me know in the comments down below. See you next Friday!

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