Chapter 4

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A/N: Thanks for all of your support on this book! 300+ views after only posting three chapters is incredible, and I can't thank you all enough. But if you like this fanfic, please remember to vote on it, because there's only 12 votes on it right now, and 12 is a much smaller number than 300. It only takes half a second to do so and it shows me that people are truly enjoying my story. This makes me wonder why so many people are reading this but not voting. Do they read it but just not enjoy it? Sorry for having to talk about that. I know most people get annoyed whenever they read about it, but I just had to mention it at least once. And besides, YouTubers remind people to leave a like in every video, so why couldn't I do it for Wattpad at least once? Anyways, let's get straight into Chapter 4!

Sabre and his friends were walking together behind the group of Steves leading them to Stevetopia. Rainbow Steve rushed to catch up to Blue Steve. "Hey Blue Steve! What's Stevetopia like?"

Blue Steve turned to look at him. "Hey Rainbow Steve!" He pondered for a second. "Stevetopia is almost like a safe haven for Steves to protect them from evil Steves."

Rainbow Steve interrupted him then. "A town to protect Steves? Sabre and I actually made a town called the Rainbow Town for the exact same purpose! Except... Nightmare Steve completely obliterated it."

"That's awful!" Blue Steve said. "Thankfully, our town hasn't been destroyed yet."

"Who created the town?"

"I did," Blue Steve replied proudly. "I actually created it after I helped Yellow Steve find all his missing townspeople that were taken by... the Evil Elder Blue Steve. Since Nightmare Steve destroyed their old town, we decided to build a new one for them." Noting the confused look on Rainbow Steve's face, Blue Steve added "You'll remember the town once you get your memories back. You were there with me when Nightmare Steve attacked and when the evil Elder...." He shuddered and didn't finish the sentence. "The king of that town actually went crazy after the destruction of his town and the disappearance of his townspeople. He blamed you for it."

"Wait... a king... blaming me? When Sabre, Purple Steve, and I were walking around in the wild, we found a destroyed town. There was a Yellow Steve King, and he started attacking us because he said the destruction of the town was my fault. I was so confused because I didn't recognize the town or the king."

"That must be the same town!" Blue Steve exclaimed. "We actually based Stevetopia after it. Unlike the other town, this is made up of all the different colored Steves. There it is now!" Ahead of them lay the enormous town. It was made of stone, surrounded by a wall and a moat, and had four different bridges connecting it to the mainland. Crossing over one, the newcomers gawked at the town and the sheer diversity of Steves. Turning to the group, the Elder ordered the Steves from Stevetopia to return to their normal posts. To the four friends he said "Guys, follow me to my office. We can talk there." Inside the office was a desk with several chairs and bookshelves. "Make yourselves at home."

Sitting himself down, Sabre asked "Are we going to get Rainbow Steve's and Galaxy Steve's memories back now or after we've finished talking?"

"While I know that we all want their memories returned as soon as possible, if we return their memories first, it will be the only thing we'll focus on, especially if new information is discovered. We'll completely forget to talk about the adventures we've been on. If you guys are okay with it, you can talk about your adventures first."

Sabre looked to his friends. "That should be fine. Let's see... I'll begin basically at the very beginning by discussing how I met Rainbow Steve for the first time." Sabre talked about how he summoned Rainbow Steve and how they weren't friends, leading them to trap each other multiple times. When he started talking about the Elder Blue Steve that turned out to be Dark Steve, Blue Steve interrupted.

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