Chapter 3

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A/N: Right now, this book is at 204 views. Thank you all so so much! To celebrate, I'm going to create a random book (sort of like an art book, but I'm not an artsy kind of person). It will probably come out later today, and will contain random things from me and little segments of stories that I never finished. I'll post the link here once I create it ( Anyway, enjoy this chapter, the longest one in this book yet at 1253 words (not counting the author's notes)!

Rainbow Steve showed no reaction. "Who?"

"It's me, Blue Steve," the Elder repeated. "Your friend. I've missed you so much." The words began spewing from his mouth, as though they had been held in for years and were only just released for the first time. "I accomplished everything I told you I would do. I found all the Steves who went missing from the Yellow Steve Town. I created a town to gather and protect Steves, one larger than the Yellow Steve Town. Through all my efforts, I finally became an Elder and completed my wildest dream. Once the town was completed, I wanted to find you and see you once more. I sent out dozens of scouts to try to find you, but it was as though you had vanished off the face of the world." A tear ran down Blue Steve's face and plopped onto the ground. "Rainbow Steve, you are my best friend. I told myself that seeing you again would be my reward for completing everything I promised to you. I'm just so glad to see you again."

Rainbow Steve took one step back. "I don't know who you are. And even if I did, you aren't my best friend. Sabre is and has been for more than a year." A smile touched Sabre's face, but confusion and despair reigned on Blue Steve's.

"What do you mean that you don't know who I am? I was one of the first Steves you met after you were created! I went on adventures with you for months! You saved me when Nightmare Steve trapped me! And... when I was possessed by that evil Elder Blue Steve. How could you just forget about all of that!" Suddenly, Sabre understood.

"Uhhh... Blue Steve? Or Elder Blue Steve? Whatever name you're going by. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Rainbow Steve doesn't remember anything from before I met him. The only thing he remembers from that time period was that he was created from several Steves to fight Nightmare Steve." Blue Steve blinked in disbelief.

"What do you mean that Rainbow Steve lost his memories?" His eyes widened. "Maybe it's YOUR fault that Rainbow Steve lost his memories! It's too coincidental that Rainbow Steve just happens to lose his memories around the time you met him!" The Elder picked up his sword and began advancing on Sabre.

"Stop!" Rainbow Steve yelled, dashing between Sabre and Blue Steve. "Sabre would never do something that awful! Since you once knew me well enough to call me your best friend, that means you trust me. So trust me when I say that Sabre would never manipulate someone like that." There was a silence while the Elder pondered Rainbow Steve's statement.

"Fine," he said, sheathing his sword but still leaving his hand resting on the pommel. "So Rainbow Steve, you don't remember anything about our adventures? You don't remember the Yellow Steve Town, the infected Steves, the artifacts...."

"The artifacts?" Sabre interrupted. "You know what the artifacts are?" Blue Steve rounded on Sabre.

"Of course I do! I helped Rainbow Steve find out about the artifacts in the first place! Does he remember what they are?"

"He knows absolutely nothing about them," Sabre replied. "We only found out about the artifacts when we were captured by a Steve named Elemental Steve." At this, Sabre briefly glanced towards Galaxy Steve, who courteously showed a small bit of embarrassment on his face for being the one who created him. "He questioned Rainbow Steve about where the artifacts were, but Rainbow Steve had never heard about them before."

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