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Ben's POV

I saw him on the other side of the cafeteria. Everybody gathered around him laughing. I have to admit I kinda of wish I was over there. But I've got my people. I am the star soccer player after all. I looked around to everyone sitting around me. 

"So any parties happening tonight?" 

Greg looked at his phone and said, "Well Chris is throwing his regular party. Everyone is going to be there. Sadly that means the drama kids too. But I heard that Jen is going. And shes single." He nudged me and I fake smiled. I hated how they always bashed on the drama kids. They really weren't that bad. They were nice and actually cared about people. I glanced back over to Joe. I really hoped he was going. 

"Ben what's up with you? Why do you keep looking over there?" Greg was giving me a look. 

I coughed, "Oh, I was just wondering why people like them so much." 

"I don't know man. but we should probably go to our lockers now. I've got homework to finish for class." I nodded and stood up. When I looked over to Joe one last time, we locked eyes. I quickly looked away and smiled. My stomach was doing flips. I mean I've seen gorgeous people before but never somebody that made me giddy. 

Joe's POV

I was telling my friends and anyone that cared to listen in on the story of how I went to an audition and all they wanted me to do was run around a stage in a chicken costume. 

"I walked into the audition room and the guy said, 'In the stage right win you will find a costume. We would like you to put that on and perform your piece.' So I went into the wing and found a chicken costume. I wasn't going to say no considering how much money I would get if I got the role. I put on the costume and walked out and performed 'Donny Novitski' from Band Stand. I honestly think it was a prank but A lot of theatre auditions are a bit odd." I sat and smiled as everyone chatted about their favorite part of the story. 

I looked around the cafeteria and saw Ben. He was honestly one of the hottest guys in school and he was the star athlete. The things I would have him do to me. I swallowed hard and looked back to the people around me. 

Elliot piped up, "Did you hear about the party Chris is throwing tonight. Everybody is going to be there. The only time of the year that all social groups come together." Everybody means Ben. I thought for a second before looking back up to see Ben was getting up. We locked eyes for a second. I felt a shiver go up my spine. my face grew warm and red. 

Elliot who had been sitting next to me this entire time saw me looking. 

He nudged me, "Somebody has the hots for our star athlete. Do you think that's ever going to happen?" 

I laughed, "I don't know. We locked eyes for a second before he left." I looked up and let my eyes linger on the doorway. I was looking forward to the party before I started second guessing the whole thing. But hey, if I didn't go, nothing was going to happen for sure. I might as well give it a shot. 

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