i love you

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Ben's POV

After Dinner, Joe and I went back to his place.

We walked through the front door and he said, "Thank you Ben. Tonight has been fantastic."

I pulled him in by his hips and said, "Is the offer of ravishing you still up or do you just wanna chill? I can leave too. Just let me know." I wanted to be careful. This was really good. The best I've ever had and I didn't want o lose it.

Joe put his arms around my neck and said, "It is. But I have one request."

I raised an eyebrow, "What is that?"

He smiled, "I want to slow dance with you first." I nodded and smiled.

"Lead the way to the dance floor kind sir." He took my hand and we went to his room.

Joe bent down to get music playing on his laptop and I have to say his bum did look quite good. All You Need is Love by The Beatles started playing and smiled widely to Joe.

I took him and started singing along. No moment has ever been this intimate. Not even sex.

Joe's POV

My stomach was full of butterflies. I had never been this happy or content with life. I smiled widely to Ben and started humming along.

The song ended and I stood there with my arms still around Ben's neck. He leaned down and kissed me softly. It was like we were the only two in the world. Everything could be stripped from the moment and it wouldn't be any less intense or intimate. He pulled away and our breaths hit each others lips. We walked over to my bed and Ben sat down. He pulled me so I was basically straddling his lap.

He drew in a sharp breath once I adjusted myself.

He said, "Joe, I hope you know how deeply I care for you."

I smiled, "I do. And I want you to know how deeply I care for you." I leaned in and kissed him with a little force. As we kissed I felt Ben move his hands down to my bum and lift me up a little bit.

Ben pulled away and said, "Get up." I got up and he stood with me. He came close and looked into my eyes as he started to undo my pants. I reached down and started doing the same to him. Before we pulled down each others pants I pulled off his shirt and he undid mine. And soon enough we were naked and looking into each others eyes.

He pulled me close and kissed me. We stumbled back and ended up in the same position we were in before we got up. Before Ben touched my bum this time he pulled away from the kiss.

He asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

And as full of care and desire and emotion as I could, I said, "Yes Ben. I do want to do this." He nodded and kissed me softly. He lifted me up and laid me on the bed. Before doing anything else he took lube he had put on my side table and touched himself just like last time.

He looked at me, "Ready?" I nodded and he pushed in. I let out a moan and grabbed on to Ben. He kissed my neck and began to thrust in and out.

It seemed to go on and on. The hickeys the thrusting, the orgasm. Everything. It was the most emotional thing I had ever gone through.

Ben's POV

I rested on top of Joe when we had finished. I laid next to him and pulled him close. 

"I... Thank you for all of this, Joe." I kissed him and rested my head on top of his. 

I could sense his uneasiness before he spoke, "I love you Ben." I felt a lump in my throat and a wave of something come over me. 

I managed, "I love you too Joe. So much." I pulled him close and kissed his head. 

And that's how we fell asleep. Together. In love. Full  of love. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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