Coming Out

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Joe's POV

I looked out the door as Ben left wondering if he was okay. Or if he wasn't, what was wrong? I couldn't go back into the party worried that i would see Ben's mates. But I didn't want to leave alone right after him because people might wonder if they haven't already. So I texted my friend Lucy and asked her she could leave with me. 

We got to my car and she said, "Hope everything's okay." She smiled and waved as she walked back to the house. That's what I loved about Lucy, she never asked questions if you asked for help. And to be honest, if it wasn't for here I wouldn't be as happy as I am today. I managed a smile and somehow no tears. 

I sat in the car for a while before driving home. 

Ben's POV

I slowly drove home thinking about what I was going to say to my mum. How I was going to tell her about me and how I'm not the stereotypical perfect son. Every so often I had to sniffle and wipe a tear from my eye. I knew this wasn't going to be easy but I knew if would only be harder to do if I waited. 

When I pulled into our driveway I sat there and couldn't move. I don't remember how but I stopped the car, got out, and walked up to the door. My had shakily turned the door knob and I walked into the house. 

My mum was sat on the couch was reruns of Friends when she noticed me. 

She said, "Hey honey. What's wrong?" There was no use trying to hide from my mum. She always knew everything. 

I walked over and sat down on the chair next to her. 

I held my hands tight in my lap and began to talk, "Okay, so erm, I don't know how to say this so I'll tell you the story. I was sitting in the cafeteria and I noticed somebody in the corner of the cafeteria. I couldn't take my eyes off of... him. And then tonight at the party I was dared ti kiss him and I did. And it was one of the best feelings I've ever had. And so basically, I'm bisexual." Tears had begun to fall from my eyes. 

My mum took my hands and smiled at me, "Honey, I will love you no matter what. And if this guy makes you happy then he must be good." I started crying and hugged her. I was so scared and now to have this was amazing. I felt to comforted and I never wanted to forget what my mum's hug felt like. 

I got up and laid my head in her lap and fell asleep. All was good in the world. Or so it seemed. 

Joe's POV

What happened between me and Lucy kept replaying over and over in my mind. 

I had become really depressed sophomore year because I was suppressing my sexuality and telling myself I was bad for being that way. I had been having suicidal thoughts for some time and i got so scared of my own self that I would almost always be pretending to be someone else. That's why I love drama and theater so much. Lucy and I were so close that we would tell each other everything. I stopped telling her about what was going on but she saw me cradled in the theater after school rehearsing lines. She talked to me and helped me get help. I even came out to my parents because of her. And surprisingly they were okay with it. I started taking medicine and improving so much. And here I am, head drama geek and Gayest kid in the school. 

Kissing Ben made me think of what it would be like to jump over that final hurdle. I really hoped he would text me. Just so I knew he was okay. 

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