First Date

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Ben's POV

When I got out of the shower I texted Joe: Be ready at 6. And I can't wait.

I sat down and tried to think of a distraction. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have lube with me so I decided to go to target.

I walked in and tried to walk as fast as I could to the where the lube was but as I was about to get there when I heard my name.

"Ben, wait up." I turned around and saw Emily.

She caught up to me and said, "I heard about you and Joe and I just wanna say I think you guys are really cute together."

I relaxed and said, "Thank you."

We stood there for a second before she asked, "So are you guys actually going out yet? Like any dates planned?"

"Nothing yet." I wasn't going to tell her because she might tell Ethan and Ethan might show up with Greg.

She smiled and said, "Well have a good day." She walked off. I decided to make a loop around the store to make sure she didn't see where I went. When I finally got to the lube I looked around to find stuff that wasn't expensive but also wasn't super cheap either. I finally settled on this small bottle I found and went to check out.

I somehow managed to get out without anyone else noticing me.

Joe's POV

I got home to the still empty house. I walked up to my room to find it still as messy as I had left it. I decided to clean but before I did I took off my outfit and put on something more comfortable. I started by cleaning the floor and getting together my clothes for laundry. When my clothes were in the wash I went and straightened my room up. After I put my clothes in the dryer I tried cleaning the living room a little bit. When I was done with everything I took a shower and went to my room to relax. I looked over to the edge of my desk where I had my makeup. I pondered over the idea of putting some on. I saw that I had a few hours to spare and decided to try putting on some makeup and if I didn't like it I could take it off.

After trying to get my makeup perfect I looked in the mirror and kept looking at myself from different angles. I smiled until I got a text from Ben.

It said: Hey, I'm gonna be over in a little bit be ready. I was a bit scared and looked at myself in the mirror.

I said to myself, "Okay Joe, you are the only one worrying as much as you and as long as you're confident you'll be okay." I took a deep breath and got changed.

Ben's POV

I stood in front of my mirror wondering how I looked. I grabbed my keys and phone before walking downstairs. I found my mum sitting and reading in the living room.

I asked her, "How do I look?"

She looked at me and said, "You look wonderful honey. Why do you ask?"

I sat down next to her and said, "I've got a date with Joe tonight and I'm really nervous." I looked down as she took my hand.

She said, "Listen honey. You two seem like you care for each other. A lot. And if you two do really care for each other and want to be together a silly thing like clothes shouldn't get in the way." I looked up at her and hugged her.

She pulled away and said, "Honey, you will be fine."

I hugged her one last time before texting Joe: I'm on my way. Can't wait to see you. What's your address btw? He replied with his address.

I got up and left. I took a deep breath before pulling out of the driveway.

I pulled up to Joe's house and texted him: I'm here. I got out of the car ready to open the door for Joe. When he walked out I looked at him in awe. He looked even better than before.

He looked down and said, "Hi."

"You look stunning." I opened the door for him and got in on the other side.

I gave him a kiss and said, "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright. Still not sure makeup was the right idea."

I looked Joe right in the eye and said, "Joe no matter what you look amazing. You could be wearing the bummiest of clothes and I would still think you look pretty."

Joe's POV

I started blushing and looked down. As he pulled out of my driveway he put his hand on my thigh and I rested my hand on top of his.

I have to be honest and say that I was freaking out the entire tie worrying that someone would have a major freak out because of my makeup. I mean It was the first time I had worn makeup out in public so i was reasonably nervous. And over the course of the ride I kind of snuggled up against Ben's arm.

We got to the restaurant and sat down at a table. I looked into Ben's eyes and we looked at each other and smiled until a waiter came over.

"Hi my name is George and I will be you're waiter this evening. Can I get you anything to start?"

We both looking down to the menu and before I could speak Ben said, "Can we get two glasses of water and bruschetta?"

The waiter said, "Of course. Ill be right back with that." I smiled at Ben and took his hand before looking down at the menu to choose an entree.

Ben all of a sudden said, "Joe. I'm really thankful for yesterday. You really helped me clear my head."

I smiled at him, "I'm just still wondering why you like me." We both chuckled and let our eyes linger for a minute before looking back down.

After a little but the waiter came back over with water and bruschetta.

He asked, "Are you guys ready to order?"

Ben said, "Yeah. I'll have the mushroom risotto."

I thought for a second before saying, "And I'll have the Fettuccine Alfredo." The waiter nodded and walked off.

I took a sip of water before asking, "So, this is a bit selfish and egotistical but do you have a favorite feature of mine?"

Ben looked me over before saying, "Well I've got to be honest and say probably your personality. or if you want a physical feature then I'd say your smile." I started blushing.

Ben's POV

I gave him the eye before asking, "So what your favorite feature of mine?"

He chuckled and said, "Well I can't say my real favorite part in public. But other than that your eyes are just so pretty. I could look at them forever." I smirked and took his hand and kissed it before laying it back down on the table under mine.

"So hat do people normally talk about on dates?" I looked up at Joe.

I though before saying, "Well uhm like their interests and what not. Stories. Anything really."

Before we could continue the waiter came over with our food." Joe and I shared stories of each other and of ourselves. It was probably one of the best dates I've ever had.

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