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Ben's POV

I opened my eyes to find myself on the couch with a blanket over my body and a pillow under me head. I started thinking about last night and I couldn't think of how to feel. I came out to my mom and thinking about dealing with it at school made me scared. How was someone who had been looked up to and stared at and known for who he was supposed to let everyone know that it's not true. 

Before I could stop it tears fell from my eyes and a pit formed in my stomach. I sat up and put my head in my hands. I took a deep breath. Maybe I could talk to Joe. He probably knew how to deal with this. My hands felt around in my pockets for my phone. It had fallen out and was on the couch next to me. 

I texted Joe: Hey Joe, it's Ben. I know we don't really know each other but I was wondering if I could talk to you? I left you there and I owe it to you to let you know what's up. 

Joe's POV

There I was, in bed, scrolling through my phone for hours on end before I actually got up for the day. I got a notification from a number I didn't have in my phone. 

I read it and immediately replied: Yeah, of course. Do you wanna meet up for lunch? 

Ben replied: Do you mind meeting up at my place? I'd rather not go out right now. 

Me: Sure. Just text me your address and let me know when to head over. 

He replied with his address and said I could come over now if I wanted. I got up and changed. Looked in the mirror to see how I looked. Horrible as usual. I got my keys and I left. I pulled up to house which was really nice and cozy. 

Ben's POV

I heard and knock on the door and almost froze. A bit shocked. I opened it to find a smiling Joe. I almost immediately felt a lot better. 

I moved to the side and said, "Come in. Is there anything I can get you? We've got some left over pizza from last night if you want to eat." I close the door behind him. 

He turned around to look at me, "Uhm yeah, that sounds good." I lead him into the kitchen to find my mum sitting at the table doing taxes. I stood for a second a bit scared. 

She looked up, "Hey Ben, who's your friend?" 

I coughed, "This is Joe. He's the guy I told you about." I looked to Joe and saw him smile and raise his eyebrows at me. 

My mum said, "So this is the boy. Well it's nice to meet the boy who seems to make my son so happy." I felt a lump in my throat. She went back to doing taxes and I grabbed the pizza and led Joe to my room. We sat down. 

Joe looked at me and asked, "What was that about?" 

I swallowed hard and said, "Well last night I came out to my mom. And I told her that I really liked you. And that kissing you was one of the best things that happened in my life." I looked down at my hands, scared to look back up at him. 

He said, "Ben, do you really feel that way?" I nodded, still looking down. 

He sounded shocked, "Wow, I really can't believe it." 

I looked at him with furrowed brows, "What do you mean?" 

His eyes widened, "You are the hottest guy in the school and you like me. Ben when the most popular kid in school likes you, it's a big deal." I sat back and almost smiled. 

He brought me out of my sort of trance by asking, "Why did you ask me to come here in the first place?" And I wasn't so happy again. In that state of confusion. 

"I wanted to ask you if you had any idea how I should handle this." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean should I tell people at school or should I not?" 

He seemed to think for a second, "Well I don't think you should treat it as a big deal. Just let it happen. And if people don't support it then they don't support it." I nodded again. He was right. If I kept being scared about it and kept making it seem like a big deal, it would only hurt more when someone didn't accept it. 

Joe's POV

It was weird giving advice on dealing with sexuality, especially when that advice was for Ben. 

He asked, "So is there anything you want to do? We've got a nice theater set up down in the basement." 

I smiled, "Wow, one kiss and you think it's time for netflix and chill?" 

He laughed, "I wouldn't be opposed. But no, my mum's home anyways." He got a text. 

"What's it say?" 

"Well its my mum saying she got called in to work and won't be home until late." 

"Perfect timing." We both gave a good chuckle. I'll be honest, I kind would like to netflix and chill with Ben. But as a virgin it was kind of intimidating to think about. 

He smiled, "So what do you say? Netflix and maybe chill?"

I squinted, "Only if we can have a dinner date of some kind." 

He jokingly groaned, "Fine." We stood up and as I walked past him to get to the door he grabbed my waist and turned me so we were almost kissing. He leaned in for a kiss. I felt a wave of just goodness come over me. Like when you're so excited to do something that's finally happening. That's how I felt every moment I was with Ben. Even when I thought of him. It was crazy. Even if this fizzled out sometime in the future I was going to enjoy it while it was here. 

He pulled away and smiled, "Shall we go downstairs to watch the movie?" I smiled as he took my hand and lead me down to the basement. Wow this is starting to sound like a horror movie. 

I asked, "So are you planning on taking me down to your basement and to keep me there until the police catch you?" I laughed, and looked back and gave me a smile and shook his head. 

We got down stairs and i looked around to see a small kitchen on one side and a large sofa and TV on the other side. 

"This is really nice." He let go of my hand and walked towards the sofa. 

"Thanks. We got really lucky with this place." I followed him and sat down. 

Ben's POV

I turned on the TV and asked, "Do you want a drink or anything for the movie?" 

He looked up, "Uhm do you have any Arizona by chance?" 

Its like he read my mind, "Yeah We've got raspberry and regular." 

"Raspberry please." I walked over to the fridge and grabbed two raspberry Arizonas. I walked back and handed one to Joe. I set my Arizona on the couch and grabbed the remote before finally sitting down myself. I put on Handsome Devil. I leaned back and pulled Joe close to me. 

"You like this movie too?" 

"Yeah, I never really knew why until now." I looked down to Joe and saw how pretty he was with the light from the TV showing on his face. He must have felt me looking because he looked up at me. 

"What are you looking at?" 

"I was just admiring you." And other things. 

He must read minds because he smirked and asked, "Is that all?" I smiled and shook my head. 

"No but I'll save that stuff for dessert." I winked and looked back at the screen. 

Halfway through the movie I hear a light snoring. I looked down and saw he was sleeping. It was kind of peaceful. I kissed the top of his head and he cuddled closer to me. It was really nice, this. 

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