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I must have nodded off too because I woke up to the credits rolling on a movie that didn't seem to be Handsome Devil. I tried stretching my arms and body without moving Joe and disturbing him. 

He woke up and groggily asked, "How long was I asleep?" 

I yawned, "Well I think we were sleeping for about two hours or three hours. A movie played while we were sleeping." I checked the time on my phone. 4:37 p.m. 

Joe sat up, "What time is it?" 

"It's 4:37. is there anything you want to do before we get dinner?" 

He stretched, "Uhm, well we could go to Target. I know it's always fun to go. Unless you don't want to." I thought about it for a second. I might see people from school but so what? It wasn't going to help my case if I hid myself. i had to move forward. 

I shook my head, "No, its fine. Lets go." I stood up and pulled him with me. I took him into my arms and kissed him. I turned off the TV and we headed upstairs to find the sun setting through the window in the kitchen. 

I grabbed my keys from the living room and asked, "You got your phone and everything?" He felt around in his pockets and nodded. We walked out to my car and I opened the door for him. 

He smiled, "Such a gentleman." I smiled and walked around to the other side to get into the drivers side. When I got in I started the car and pulled out of the driveway. As soon as I got onto the rode I took my hand and put it on his thigh. I normally did that with girls so it was more of a habit. I looked over to him and started to pull my hand away because I wasn't sure it was all good. I smiled when he took my hand and put it back where I had it. 

"Don't be nervous Ben. It'll be fine. And if it isn't, I'm here. And if you need some friends then you've got the theater kids. I promise we're nice." 

I glanced over to him, "If they're half as nice as you I'll be happy." We listened to music for the rest of the drive.

I pulled into the parking lot Target and got really nervous. My grip on Joe's hand became tense. We parked and I sat there rubbing my hands on my legs. 

"What if they are in there?" 

Joe took my hands and looked me in the eyes, "Ben, I keep telling you, you're okay. You can't worry about it. There's always going to be people that hate you or don't like you and you need to accept that. I know its hard to think about but it'll be fine. If any of them come up to us I'll just threaten them."

"And how would you do that?" 

He smirked, "You'll just have to see." I looked forward and got out of the car before walking around and meeting Joe on the other side of the car. I looked at him nervously and he took my hand in his and smiled. He started walking forward towards the store. I was still nervous but Joe just made me feel better. I looked down at my feet and smiled. 

We got into the store and Joe walked right up to the dollar section he looked at me and said, "I've always wanted to but everything in the dollar section that is a dollar. Would you do me the honor of gathering things with me?" 

I laughed, "Of course. It would be my honor." He smiled and went to grab a cart. Once he got back to me we walked around the entire dollar section double checking that items were actually a dollar. It took about twenty minutes to get everything. 

Once we had everything I asked, "What next?" 

His jaw dropped, "The clearance section obviously." I walked next him as he pushed the cart towards the back of the store. 

I pushed the cart around the clothing section as Joe picked things out to try one. Once he had a considerable pile of clothes on his arm we went to the fitting room so he could try them on. 

I sat on the bench outside and waited for Joe. I sat there for a few minutes before I heard my name. 

"Ben?" I looked and saw Joe in a rather nice outfit.  

I sat just looking at him for some time before he said, "Ben? What do you think?" 

"You look fantastic." He walked over to me and gave me a kiss before walking back and putting on another outfit. I just smiled every time I got to see him. 

Once he had finished trying on clothes, he came out of the fitting room with all the clothes and asked, "What outfit was your favorite?" 

I looked at the piled of clothes and thought for a minutes before saying, "Probably the first one." He put everything but the first outfit on the counter and put the first outfit in the cart. 

We were walking past the electronics section when I heard someone say my name, "Hey Ben." I paused before turning and seeing Greg standing there with Ethan. 

He walked over and looked at Joe before saying, "What're you doing here with that one?"

I looked at him and said, "I'm shopping. You got a problem with that?" 

He shook his head and said, "No, I know some people that might." Him and Ethan stepped back laughing before disappearing behind a shelf. 

I swallowed hard before turning around and walking off. I stopped for a minute making sure Joe was following me. 

He asked, "Ben are you okay?" 

"I'm fine." 

Once we got to the front of the store, I gave Joe my card and said, "You can use my card. I'll be in the car." 

I walked quickly to the car and got in. Once the door was shut I began crying. After some time I looked up and saw Joe walking towards the car. I got out and took the cart and my card. I out everything in the car and put the cart away.

Once I got back Joe asked, "Ben, are you sure you're okay?" 

I looked down before looking up to him and saying, "It just sucks. I know its gonna happen but it sucks still. I've always been so tough on myself for showing emotion and now its all coming out and its hard." 

Joe took my hand and said, "I know. Believe me. But you'll be okay. You just have to find the people that love you for you." I nodded and looked down. 

He patted my leg and suggested, "How about we go back to your place and order some pizza. And we can watch another movie or just chill." I looked up when he said that and he winked, I smiled. I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Joe had put his hand on my thigh and if I was going to honest, It was hard not to squirm. 

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