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Joe's POV

We got back to the house and brought everything in. Ben stood there looking at his phone as it kept buzzing. 

I looked at him worried, "Everything okay?" 

He shook his head, "Greg must have told everybody or sent out a mass text." I took his phone and put it on the counter before standing in front of him. 

I put my hands on his waist and said, "How about we leave our phones for tonight. A little de-stress from today." 

He sighed, "Okay." I smiled and took my phone out and put it next to his. I made sure they were both silent before turning and hugging Ben. 

I let go and said, "Actually we need a phone for the pizza. I'll use my phone. What do you want?" 

"Let's get Dominos. They're having this thing where you can get two pizzas, and some other stuff for twenty dollars." I nodded and put in the order on the Dominos App. 

We sat in the living room watching reruns of friends until I got a call saying the pizza was here. 

Once we had the pizza inside, we went downstairs and put on some random movie. I didn't really care because I had other things on my mind. 

I had started eating pizza and looked over at Ben. I started to think about how I had never had sex before and how actually intimidating it would be if we did anything. 

Ben's POV

I sat watching the movie when I looked over at Joe who seemed uneasy about something. 

"Everything okay Joe?" 

He glanced at me, "Oh uhm, I mean it's uh. Its happening." 

"What are you saying Joe?" 

He took a deep breath, "It's just that I'm nervous about sex with you. I've never done anything like that really and I don't want to mess it up." 

I said, "Joe, if you don't want anything to happen it doesn't need to happen." 

He turned his body to me and said, "No, I do want something with you but I'm just scared. I mean you're probably experienced or at least more experienced than me. And I don't want you to hate me." 

I took his hands, "Joe, calm down. If you want to do something tonight we can and we can go whatever pace you want. I wouldn't try to hurt you and if I do tell me and we can stop. It'll be okay. Just let me know when you're ready." I gave him a soft kiss before sitting back and putting my arm around him. I pulled him close and kissed the top of the head. 

Joe's POV

I looked up at Ben who was looking at the screen. I had thought about this ever since I saw him that first day of sophomore year. I had imagined it too many times. And it could happen. 

I took a deep breath  and said, "I think I'm ready." 

He looked at me and asked, "Are you sure?" 

Without thinking I said, "I've thought about this way too much that to let the opportunity go would be a lifetime wasted." 

He smiled, "You're pretty and a poet? I'm turned on already." I started blushing. 

He got up and offered me his hand, "Let's go somewhere more comfortable." I took had hand and followed him to what I assumed was his room. I looked around and saw a desk and a bag next to it with a soccer ball on it. So this was his room. 

We sat down on the bed and Ben asked, "Are you sure?" 

I nodded, "Yes, I'm sure." 

"Let me know if you want me to stop or go slower." I nodded again and he leaned in and kissed me. I could feel my stomach go crazy. The anticipation had me so excited. 

He leaned on top of me like he did the first time we kissed. This time, though, he pressed his hips into mine. I let go of the kiss and let a moan. Ben smiled and trailed his hands under my shirt and up my chest. He pulled my shirt off and then his. I looked down and traced my fingers down his body and could feel myself getting hard. 

Ben started kissing down my torso and when his fingers brushed my waist I shivered. He looked looked up at me and I nodded. He undid my pants and pulled them off. 

He stood in front of me and said, "Wow." He smiled and got back down, kissing my back up the torso. He kissed my neck and left a hickey. Ben went back to kissing me. I moved my hands to his pants and began undoing them. He reached down and helped take off his pants. 

He stopped for a moment to reach into his bedside drawer to get some lube. I gulped as I watched him touch himself. I was the one that said wow this time. Ben smiled and kissed me. 

He pulled back, "Are you ready? It might hurt." 

I nodded, "Yes." He let his head hang next to mine as he pulled my legs up and pushed in. I let out a moan and gasp. It hurt but once he has in me it felt better than anything i had done to myself. My fingers almost dug into his back. He started thrusting in and out. I leaned up and kissed Ben on the neck then on the lips. I let my fingers go through his hair and rest around his neck. 

Eventually Ben started going quicker and I began almost whimpering. My head fell back and my back arched. I felt my felt twitching, throbbing almost. 

I let out a loud moan and came all over my chest. I looked up at Bean who was biting his lip. Finally he came and he collapsed next to me. 

He looked at  me and asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm better than okay." 

We crawled under the covers and fell asleep holding each other. 

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