A Good Start

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Joe's POV

I stretched out my body and opened my eyes. I was a little confused to find myself next to Ben but smiled once I was his face. So peaceful. I cuddled close to him and kissed his chest. He woke up and kissed my head. 

He almost groaned, "Morning." God his morning voice was so hot. 

I looked up, "Morning." 

We were both startled when we heard his mom yell, "Ben, breakfast is ready. And can you please come get your phone. It keeps going off." Ben turned over and groaned. I sat up and looked at him. 

He sat up with me and looked at me, "How do you feel after last night?" I thought back to last night and smiled. 

"I feel really good. It was really nice." He smiled and I smiled back. 

He got up and put on a pair of sweatpants. I looked down on the floor to see my clothes. I got up and put them back on. Ben turned around and saw me. 

He handed me a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and said, "Put these on." I took them and put them on facing away from Ben. Even though we had had sex it was still odd to change in front of him. 

We walked down to find our target bags still on the table and his mom in the kitchen making french toast. 

She turned around and said, "Oh hi Joe. I noticed your car was still in the driveway when I got back and was a bit curious." I smiled and took a seat at the breakfast bar with Ben. 

Ben's POV

I picked up my phone for the first time since yesterday and saw I had over a hundred messages. Most of which were just shocked. Some were harsher and acted as if I had done something wrong. I was almost searching to see if Greg messaged me. He hadn't. I still had to go through the notifications from Snapchat. 

I clenched my jaw and just looked at my phone. 

Joe asked, "Everything alright?" 

"I don't know." 

My mum walked up to the counter and gave us plates of french toast and sausages. Joe and I both ate quickly and went to sit on the sofa. I pulled Joe close and rested my head on his. 

He moved and looked at me, "Everything's gonna be okay." He gave me a quick kiss and smile before hugging me tightly. 

I thought for a minute before pulling out my phone and going to twitter. I opened a tweet and started typing: Yes I kissed Joe, Yes I went out with him, Yes I am the same as I was before even if it doesn't seem that way.  My thumb hovered over the send button but suddenly I hit send. And i couldn't take it back. I could delete it but my twitter was always watched by everyone in school and even if the tweet was up for a few seconds someone would screenshot it. My grip loosened on my phone and I sat back in disbelief of what I had just done. 

My mum had walked out into the living room to see me in a shocked state. 

She asked, "Ben whats wrong?" 

"I sent a tweet out saying I kissed and went out with Joe. And the whole school is about to see it." 

She sat down on the other side of me and said, "Oh honey, are you going to be okay?" 

I looked over at Joe and said, "I think I'll be okay." Joe gave me a reassuring smile before I turned back to look at my mum. She smiled and squeezed my arm before getting up and going back into the kitchen. 

Joe and I got up and brought all his target bags into my room. 

He looked at me and said, "Lets open all the dollar items and have some fun." He had a huge grin on his face. 

"I don't know Joe." 

He came over and pulled my arm, "Come on, it'll be fun and it might calm you down."

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "Fine." He jumped like a kid, it was adorable. I sat on the floor as we went through the bags and opened everything. 

I was looking down at my phone and I looked up I saw Joe move his hand quickly to hide it. 

"What was that?" 

He looked at me nervously, "Nothing." I nodded, thinking how I could get him to tell me. 

Once we had gotten through everything I looked over to the bag that had his clothes in it and said, "Why don't you show me those clothes you got. Maybe I can ravish you later." I gave him a flirty look and he got up quicker than a guy getting put in the game. I watched as he walked out of the room to change.

Joe's POV

Once Ben said he would ravish me and gave me that look I was done. Even though his mom was still here. 

I put my clothes on and before I walked back into the room I told him to close his eyes. I walked in and put down the bag with his clothes in it. I positioned myself in front of Ben and held out a thing of peanut M&Ms. 

"You can open your eyes now." He looked at me in shock. I think he liked how I looked. I waited for him to see the M&Ms. 

He saw them and went, "How did you know?" He took them. 

I watched him and said, "I remember they did that segment on you in the school news paper and it said you liked those. And I figured I would get you some. I figured it might make you feel a little better." 

He pulled me down to sit on his lap and kissed me. I smiled and  readjusted myself. He gave me a stern look and I pecked him on the lips. 

"Maybe you'll have to ravish me later at my house. And perhaps you'll just have to wait until after dinner out." I smirked and stood up. I grabbed all my stuff and got up to leave. Before I could ever get out the door, Ben spun me around and pushed me against his door and kissed me hard. His hand started to go down my torso. 

I pulled away from the kiss and said, "Ben, honey, later." 

He pulled away and said, "Sorry. It just, you moved your bum and it felt really nice. I promise I won't do anything unless you tell me its okay next time. If there is a next time." He looked hopefully at me. 

I smirked, "Tonight, we can go to dinner at the Italian place in the plaza across from Target. And Since my parents are gone, we'll have the house to ourselves." I stepped closer to him, teasingly. He drew in a sharp breath before taking me in for a hug. I hugged him back and we stayed for a while. I pulled away and grabbed my stuff and left. 

Before I pulled away to go home, I smiled at the house. A good start. I really fantastic start. 

Ben's POV

I looked out the window looking as Joe pulled away. I smiled and got stuff to take a shower. It would be a good idea to make sure I was prepared for the date and what was to come after. 

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