Review Criteria 📗

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Here is the review criteria for the reviewers, (not those requesting themselves):


Story Criteria:

Book Title: /5

1. Does not match the story/cover/blurb.

2. Either too long or short and doesn't entice a reader.

3. Lacks originality - the reader has seen it many times before.

4. Relevant to the blurb/story but needs changes.

5. Original, catchy and intrigues the reader.

Book Cover: /5

1. Words on the cover don't match the title and/or the graphic doesn't relate to the story.

2. Blurry or unclear and confuses the reader.

3. Lacks originality and is overused.

4. Is attractive yet could be polished to further enhance a reader's desire to read.

5. Eye-catching, creative and compels the reader to click on the story.

Summary: /5

1. Provides no information for reader, leaving them confused and uninterested.

2. A relevance to the story but it's messy and needs polishing.

3. The summary is there but doesn't give the reader a chance to question it and become interested.

4. It's intriguing and captures the reader but needs some more refining.

5. It's engaging and leaves the reader wanting more.

Grammar & Punctuation: /5

1. Too many mistakes and the story doesn't flow well.

2. Less correct punctuation than mistakes.

3. Noticeable mistakes but doesn't make the story too cringe.

4. Hardly any mistakes, making the story flow well and comes natural to the reader.

5. Perfect; not a single mistake in this department. Leaves the reader captivated.

Character Building: /5

1. Characters are built like a cliche. As if all characters were the exact same person.

2. Jumps between different characteristics for the characters - like a split personality.

3. Good, but could be better. Doesn't leave a standing impression on the reader.

4. A few slip ups on the characters building but otherwise pretty good.

5. Characters are built smoothly and correctly. The reader knows your character as well as you do - and there isn't any confusion.

Writing Style: /5

1 Basic and cliche.

2. Slightly different to the standard style.

3. No flow between the words and sentence.

4. Creative but confuses the reader.

5. New but easy to read the story smoothly.

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