Chapter 1

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I should probably give you the back round on the story because you probably want to know.

Okay the story takes place in Louisiana along the Gulf Coast. Royal (13 yrs) and her friend Katy (13 yrs) are just starting 7th grade at Redford High, Vales Lousiana. They live together in a small farm house on the outer part of town with a huge brick red barn with 6 pigs, 8 goats, 3 cows, and some chickens. 5 years ago, Royal and Katy were put into the foster system and were adopted by Mrs. Smith after 4 years of being in and out of foster homes. Royal's real parent were killed in a car accident went a semi rolled and crushed their car. Katys parents disowned her after they went to jail for drugs and D.U.I. You will find out the rest later. BTW the story is told from the girls point of views.


Royal's Prov.

"Get up get up," Mrs. Smith shrieked from down in the kitchen, " It's the 1st day of school!" Yeah. Hardy. Katy and I have had so many 1st days of school, it's not even funny. I lazily get up out of bed and jump down to wake up Katy. Katy is the heaviest sleeper ever! One time a firetruck had to come and a put out a brush fire and when I came back in, she was still sleeping! "Katy, get up... we have school." I said trying to role her over. "Five more minutes, I was have the best dream ever....." she mumbled as she started to fall off the bunk bed. ( Don't worry she is on the bottom bed) Thud, yeah she fell off the bed. "Kate get up..... come on....." I mumbled, dragging her by the arm out of the room. As soon as she realized she was going to go head first on her belly down the flight of stairs, Katy jumped up and walked down, tripping a little on her slippers. " Good morning girls... Bacon and eggs are almost ready." Mrs. Smith said kingly and smiled.

Mrs. Smith is a rounder woman with dirty blonde hair and can make some mean bacon. She very kind, doesnt have a husband and I guess she is about in her mid 50s. "Are you two ready for school?"Mrs.S asked setting sizzling bacon on ours plates. "No not really but we should be used to its by now that have done it so many times." Katy replied lazily shoving bacon in her mouth like she hasn't eaten in forever.

30 minutes later, Katy and I were walking up the gravel road to the bus stop where the bus #15 would take us into town. Dust rose up and I shielded my eyes. When the cloud cleared, the door of #15 bus open liked jaws of a dragon. Katy went running in front of me to get us a seat. As I came to the top of the stairs and when looking for a seat, a special someone caught my eye He was the most handsome guy I have ever seen. He was tall, probably close to 6 feet, with dark brown hair, green/blue eyes and he even gave me a smile. When I turned my attention back to Katy, she found a seat right next to this hotty. "Hey I'm Blake. Are you new here?" Said Blake. "Aaaahhhh..... yeah..." I studdered. Katy ,who was not paying any attention to this heavenly guy, finally realize how hot he is. Blake goes back to the book he was ready but I couldn't see the title. Katy whispered in my ear," He hot. Hotter that 5 suns! Boy do I pick a bus seat or what?" And she makes her selfie face. Looked over quick enough to catch the girl who just got on 5 minutes ago and sitting behind him giving me a "angry face". What's her problem? Did she and Blake have a thing? When the bus got to Redford High, she cornered me once we got off the bus. "Watch your back. Blake is mine." She said so threatingly that I almost tinkled myself. Almost. Katy being herself came up and told this girl to back off. Then she walked away. Just like that. Does that sound weird to you? Katy cut into my thoughts," What was that all about?" "Don't worry about it." I reassured her. As we walked to class, I knew this girl is going to be trouble.

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