Chapter 7

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Katy's Prov.

"Hey babe,  I'm Nate, but you can call me the man of your dreams." Men. Or I should say Boys. Such flirts. Just chill brother I've another man in my eyes.

"You wanna dance? Or are you gonna be quite?" Royal rolled her eyes at me. Gosh, can't Blake be like this? "You gonna come, mute?" "I'm not a mute, and you won't call me mute again if you still want to be a man." I said threatingly "Oooooo, fisty! You and I will get along just fine." And he looped his arm through mine just as Blake did to Royal. "Let's dance!" And the boys drag us off our feet and on to the dance foor. People aren't kidding when they say that a guy swepped them off their feet.

"Roar" by Katy Perry was blasting in our ears as Royal and I started to dance and when I say dance, I use it very loosely. Royal's "dance" was like the chicken dance and the macarena had a baby. And by the chuckling of Blake and Nate that mine wasn't any better. But I knew it totally was. "Nice moves, babe, but are you as good as this." Nate taunted as he did a break dance. "Better" And we broke into a dance battle. "Go, Katy!" Royal yelled. "No" Blake told her. "Go Nate!" Even though Blake was technically booing me, why did I still like him?

"I completely won that!" I told Nate. "No, you didn't, I did!" "No, I did!" "NO, I DID!" I swear we sounded like two little kids fighting over a toy or something. "Guys, just stop! You are fight over who won an unofficial dance battle!" Royal tried to reason but Nate shot back,"But I truly won that!!!" "No, Nate, I completely won because I AM THE BEST!" Can't he just accept I beat him?! "You know..." "You know what? You both won!" Blake cut Royal off. " Now stop acting like children and deal with it!" Royal shrieked. "Now tell each other sorry for how you have acted, go on now." Man Royal, why do you have to act like my mother? "Fine, I'm sorry for acting like a child." We both blurted out." And just then, a slow song cuts in and both boys grabbed us and start to dance. "This is fun" Nate told me. Yeah this couldn't get any worse. The guy I liked was dancing with my best friend/sister and his best friend was falling head over heels for me and just as I though things couldn't get any worse, I look over and Royal's face is drained of color. Like she just saw a ghost, so i look over in the direction she is and what I see makes me shiver. Can you guess? Well I have one word.


Why the heck is she here?

Kylie walked up to Blake and Royal and swear Royal couldn't get anymore pale, but yet she could. "Why the heck are you dancing with her?!" She said and I could here and feel the cold in her voice. "Come on Blakey let's dance!" And she pushed Royal down out of the way and walked off with Blake, like he was hypnotized. 

I ran over to her,"Royal!  Are you okay?!" I shrieked and Nate pulled her up on her feet. "Yeah I guess, if you call getting  assaulted by Kylie, a.k.a. Crazy Obsession Chick, okay, than yes. She muttered with hints of sarcasm in her voice. "Come on, I'll walk you home" Nate said kindly pushing us along.

A couple blocks away, Nate started up conversation, "He always acts so weird around her and I don't know why...." "Yeah" I cut in, "I noticed there was something weird about that chick, but then again I notice alot of weird things about people." Royal just kept quite and when we got home, Nate said good bye and walked back up the road. As we walked in, Mrs. Smith asked how our evening was and saw the scrapes, cuts and bruises Royal had and rushed to get the first aid kit. And Royal didn't talk all evening. Not even when Mrs. Smith poured on peroxide on her wounds, and I could see the pain in her eyes. This is the weirdest thing ever.

Someone was able to mute Royal.

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