Chapter 11

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Thanks to all the people who read my book!

Special thanks to




Royal's Prov

Time: Tuesday 9:46 pm

Location: Kate and Royal's Bedroom

Mission: Um I Don't Really Know

"Why the heck would Kylie be sending you TTs?" Katy asked herself. "Well," I said, thinking aloud," She did threaten me about staying away from Blake but I haven't been near him in a while... so that can't be it." "What about the whole incident with you guys yesterday." "Oh yeah I forgot about that!"

Flash Back

Monday Morning

Katy and I were strolling along down the hall towards our lockers after Pre-Algebra when one of Kylie's friend, Mandy, walked right into me (On purpose of course) and knocked my stuff all over on to Katy and acrossed the width of the hallway. Blake coming running up to me, helped up off the floor, and gathered all my books for me and did the same for Katy. Then he saw to reopened wound from the dance party incident on my shin and like made me use him as a crutch all the way to the nurse's office. Kylie saw this and was infuriated at the sight of Blake being nice to me. So Kylie being Kylie ran up in front of Blake and did a fake fall and had just smeared blood red lip gloss up and down her leg, hoping Blake would treat her like me. Fail. Blake measly looked at her and said,"Stop pretending." Without breaking a stride. Katy stuck her tongue out at her and ran up along side me. Kylie's little show had occupied me and now I started to feel the pain in my leg. I moaned. "Don't worry  we are almost there" he told me, reassuringly.  I hope so because there is going to be more blood spilled if Kylie gets her hands on me.

Flash Back Over

"Okay so she has one thing on you" Katy questions. "Yeah one huge thing on me." "Yeah but that doesn't mean she's going to send you TTs." "Yeah but this is Kylie we are talking about, she'll do anything to get what she wants, you seen it yourself." "We need someone who has know of Kylie for a while, someone who knows how she ticks." "Someone off the radar."


"Courtney used to be friends with Kylie." Katy recalled. "Call her over now, and it's going to be a long night." "I'll ask Mrs. Smith if we can have her over for the night."

In thirty minutes, we had Courtney over with Mountain Dews in one bag, a photo album, and a bag with who knows what in it. Being awesome and everthing, we made a blanket and pillow fort/tent.

Don't judge me, I know you guys out there do it too!

And then we needed a name. Who doesnt?

"3 musketeers!"

"3 Amegoes!"

"Club No-Kylie!"

"Club No-Name, so we can be secretive! "

"The Incognitos!"


"Yeah, I like that one!" "YEAH!"

It was decided. Now let's get down to business

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