Jack X Reader || Trip Together

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(If you have seen Mary Poppins Returns you will get my few references. But you can read this even if you haven't. The references are just fun little things here and there)

Word count: 1128

I was very close friends with the Banks family. I often went to dine with them and they visited at my place. We moved to the Cherry tree lane the same year and had been friends ever since.
I was a kid when I met Jane and Michael. I didn't ever like their father very much but Mrs Banks was nice. We often played together with Jane and Michael. My parents moved away from the lane years ago and I lived here alone now. I was still single. I remember the day when I heard that Michael's wife had died. Ever since then I had helped them more.
I was taking care of John, Annabel and Georgie if Jane and Michael couldn't.

I was walking down the Cherry tree lane. I lived in number 14.
I had met that one guy who was quite handsome.. No. Very handsome. He was funny and childish like me.
His name was Jack. He was a lamplighter who every morning and evening turn on and off the streetlights. We had met few weeks ago when I was walking down the street and he had came to me to say hello.
We had made a plan to meet today in the evening. I went outside and waited.
After few minutes I heard whistling. I smiled and turned around. Jack was driving his bike towards me. A wide smile filled his cute face when he saw me.
" 'Ello Y/N! How are you?" he said when he stopped by me and the lamp that was near.
"I'm good. How are you?" I asked.
"Very good day. As always." he answered while lighting up the lamp.
"You are always so optimistic, Jack." I laughed.
"How can anyone be sad underneath this lovely London sky?" he grinned while looking up. (see what I did there)
It was true. The London sky was beautiful indeed. I was very optimistic person as well. Jack looked behind you. "How's the Banks family?" he asked.
"They're doing great. I was dining with them yesterday." I said.
After Mary Poppins had left everything was well again. I remembered the first time Mary Poppins was there. In 1910 when Jane and Michael had written the paper about the perfect nanny. Nobody ever believed their stories. But I did. All the times th....
"Y/N?" I heard Jack saying. I woke up from my thoughts.
"Oh, sorry. I was thinking about the adventures Jane and Michael had as a child. And John, Annabel and Georgie now of course as well."
They had told their stories to me. They had met Jack too. Actually Jack helped them a lot and went to some adventures with them. He had even claimed to Big Ben.
"YYYY/NNN?" Jack said again. I was deep in my thoughts. I didn't notice him saying that.
Suddenly I felt him gently crabbing my hand and giving it a kiss. That brought me back to the reality.
"I-I'm sorry." I said a bit awkward.
"You seem a pretty off today." he smiled still holding my hand. I blushed.
"Are you blushing?" he asked grinning.
"N-No! No I'm not!" I tried to convince but it didn't work.
"You are blushing. That's cute." he said. Was it really cute? I didn't like that I blushed so easily. When the blush had settled down of coure Jack had to try again. He kissed my hand again and yes. It made me blush.
"Ok it's definitely me who's making you blush. That's fun." he laughed. I felt a little embarrassed.
"You're so silly, Jack."
He started to pack his bike again.
He sat down. "C'mon! I'll give you a little ride." he said.
"How are we gonna sit both on that? There's room only for one." I asked.
He made room for you in front of him. He offered his and and I crabbed it. He helped me to sit in front of him. "How are you gonna control the bike from back there?" I asked.
Jack put his hands to the handlebar from the both sides of me. He wasn't very tall so to reach the handlebar he had to rest his read on my shoulder.
"Like this. If this is okay." he asked. I nodded and we left to our own adventures.

He lighten up the lights as we rolled down the street with his bike.
When we had lighten up the whole Cherry tree lane, we continued driving.
There was a slight downhill just after the lane.
"Jack, are you sure about this?" I asked nervously. I heard him laughing.
"Yes I am!" he said and started driving faster.
Our speed was getting faster and faster. It felt like we were just about to fall down. But Jack somehow kept the bike stabilised. But I was still worried.
"Jaaaack!" I screamed.
"Whaaaaaat?" he laughed back.
"What if we fall?" I asked with a worried sound in my voice.
"We won't. I know how to ride this bike. And now I ride it more carefully because you are with me!" he said. It made me blush.
The downhill was already over but we were still going fast.
"I'm still quite scared of falling." I said.
He got closer to me from behind now my back was against his body.
"I won't let this bike fall. If we fall, I will protect you from falling and help you up. I promise." he said right next to my ear. I nodded. I wasn't so scared anymore. I knew Jack never falls down.
We stopped because Jack had to light his lamps. He got up and propped his ladder against the lamp. The ladder was hard to stabilise on the cobblestone street. I went to help and kept his ladder in place.
"Torch." he said and I gave him his torch. He lit up the lamp and I took his torch back. I reach to put it back to his bike. When I turned back, Jack had gotten down. I was still keeping the ladder in place, so now I was almost hugging Jack.
"O-Oh." I said a bit embarrassed.
Jack looked at me and didn't seem to care about the closeness.
I took my hands off and let him go.
My face was so red.
"Don't be embarrassed. C'mon!" he grinned. I sat down on the bike in front of him and we continued to the next lamp.

(Hello hello hello! Tell me if you liked this. And tell me if I should continue this)

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