The Girl Who Ran Away (Part 4)

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Chapter 4!!!!!! I still want to write oneshots as well but I just love to write this story. Hope you don't mind.

Warnings: First fluff, then drama/slight angst, then fluff again

Word count: 2930

The Woman

(Timeskip 2 months)

That night you weren't sleeping next to Jack. You wanted to sleep alone at least one night a week. Most of the nights you were sleeping with Jack, but you still needed your own space.
He still came to wake you up every morning. This morning wasn't any different.

You felt Jack's lips on your cheek. You kept your eyes closed. You pretended to still being asleep.
"(Y/N) dear," you heard Jack whisper.
You didn't answer. You wanted to see what he would do to wake you up.
The only problem was not to smile.
He continued kissing your cheek.
You felt butterflies in your stomach.
Then you felt Jack's lips press against your ear.
"It's time to wake up, my dearest (Y/N)," you heard him whisper right into your ear.
That was when you finally decided to turn around and open your eyes.
"Good morning, my love," you said smiling.
Jack was grinning.
He didn't say anything. He brought his face close and pressed his lips to yours.
"Good Morning, sleepyhead," he said when we pulled away.
"Oh, I've been awake since you said "(Y/N) dear"" you laughed.
"Y-You have?" he asked.
You nodded laughing.
"I wanted to see what you would do to wake me up."
"Well.." he started and brought his face dangerously close again.
You felt his lips press against your ear again.
"Now I know this is how to wake you up," he whispered and kissed your ear.
Your face was burning now. Why was he so adorable? HOW was he so adorable?
"Why are you like this?"
"Like what?"
"So adorable."
You knew the answer. You just wanted to hear him say it. You want him to say it to you. And just to you.
He looked at you. Smiling.
"Because I love you. With all me heart," he said and looked deep into your eyes. His eyes were full of love.
You still felt butterflies in your stomach. You smiled at Jack and felt yourself blush.

You decided not to go to do the lamps that morning.
You wanted to be alone for some time.
Jack understood and kissed you a goodbye.

You were alone now.
Only you and the empty room.
You walked around and whistled the songs you and Jack always sing when you are lighting the lamps.
You decided to change your clothes next. You were singing the songs now.
You chose to wear a knee length skirt and a beautiful, matching shirt. You took a belt and put it around your waist. That way the skirt and shirt looked like a dress. You looked at the mirror in the bathroom. You thought you looked cute. You put your hair in a ponytail.

After some time the leeries started to come back.
You welcomed everyone back home.
You chatted with them whule you waited for Jack to come back.

You waited and waited. Why was it taking him so long today? Where was he? Had something happened?
"Hey! Anyone know where Jack is?" you asked.
The leeries looked at each other.
"No I think," one of them said.
"I have to find him. Who knows if something has happened," you said and left.

You started walking down the street. Then went to the park and looked around. Nothing. Continued walking. You were walking down one street when you heard talking.
You stopped walking and listened.
It was a woman. Talking. You didn't recognise the voice. Then there was a man. Wait. It was him. It was Jack. You smiled and looked around the corner. You stopped right there, staring at them. It really was Jack. He was.. Standing dangerously close to the woman he was talking to. You noticed how the woman put his hands on Jack's hips. They learned forwards and their foreheads touched. You felt like you could cry when you realized that Jack didn't pull away from the woman's hands.
You didn't see his face but he was probably smiling. Being happy with that other woman. You didn't know what to feel about this. You were angry and you also wanted to cry.
You turned around and ran back home. You slammed the door shut and ran, crying, to the bathroom and closed the door.
Jack had said so many times that he loved only you and there he was. Flirting with other woman.
You were crying hard now. You didn't want to see Jack. You didn't want to talk with him. You didn't want to be with him. But you didn't have anywhere to go so you would have to see him at some point. You knew that it would probably take a while before he could leave that other woman. They looked so happy together. If you had gone with him today, maybe this wouldn't have happened.
You heard a knock on the door.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" it was Angus.
"No I'm not!" you cried and opened the door.
Angus came in and saw you crying.
He came to hug you. It calmed you down.
"Why are you crying? Jack just came back. He was worried when he didn't see you," he explained. You felt anger grow in you.
"I don't want to see him," you said.
Angus looked confused.
"But-" he started but you left.
You went to sit on your bed. You saw Jack and turned around so you didn't have to look at him.
You closed your eyes and tried to think something else.
You felt someone sit next to you. You opened your eyes and saw that it was Jack. You jumped up and he did too.
"Y/N, dear. What wrong?" he asked nervously.
"Don't call me "dear"" you said and tried to leave. Jack stepped in front of you.
"Let me go, Jack," you said and ran away. You went outside and started running.

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