The Girl Who Ran Away (Part 2)

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This is a part 2 of 'The Girl Who Ran Away' and this is basically a fluff chapter. So HUGE FLUFF WARNING THIS IS LIKE ONLY FLUFF

(N/N) = Nickname

Word count: 2878


You had been living with the lamplighters for 6 months now.
You had noticed that you are starting to have feelings towards Jack.
You didn't know if he feels the same so you hadn't let it show that much.

One morning you saw Jack coming to talk to you.
"Morning, (N/N)" he said brightly.
"Good morning, Jack" you answered smiling. Jack made you so happy.
"It's been 6 months since you became part of us. How do ya feel about that?" he asked.
"Yeah. It's crazy. I-I-I..." you started but suddenly didn't know how to speak.
You wanted to ask him out. You could have done it weeks ago but today the day had finally came.
"Today or never that's my motto" you thought.
Jack was still waiting for you to say the end of the sentence.
"what were you saying?" he asked smiling.
You took a deep breath.
"I - I was t - thinking if you w - wanted to g - go out with m - me..." you said voice shaking from nervousness.
Jack's face went red and he looked at the floor trying to hide it.
He clearly didn't know what to say.
"Oh. I - I - I...."
"You can say no I just thought that if..."
"I'd love to"

You froze.

You looked at him again.
"Wait, really?"
He nodded. "Yeah. Really"
Well that went well. Mission completed. Well, no, you just asked him out, now you have to actually do it. But when?

"When are we gonna go out then?" you asked.
"This evening maybe?" he said.
"In the park?"
"Yeah, sure"

(Timeskip to the evening)

You were sitting on a park bench with Jack.
"What a beautiful evening" Jack said looking around.
"It truly is"
You didn't want to just tell him that you had a crush on him. You decided to give hin a hint.
"(Y/N)" he looked at you.
"Have you ever had a crush on anyone?" you asked smiling.
He blushed.
"Umm... No, not really. Why?"
You nodded. Time for the second question.
"Do you know if someone has had a crush on you?" you asked avoiding eye contact.
Jack looked like he was thinking.
"No I think. Who would like a poor lamplighter like myself" he said and laughed quietly.
"I think you're handsome" you said quickly. You closed your eyes and waited for his answer.
He didn't say anything.
You opened your eyes and looked at him.
He was stearing at you.
"What did you say?" he asked.
"I - I said that I think you are handsome... And cute" you said. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire.
"I - I - I don't know what to say (Y/N). Wow" Jack said.
He was blushing really hard as well.
Awkward silence fell between you.
You decided this was the moment. You couldn't keep this just to yourself anymore.
"I think there's someone who has a crush on you" you said.
"Really? Who?" he said.
You didn't know how to say this.
You looked at him. He was stearing at you with questioning face.
You decided to just show him.
Talking was too hard at the moment.
You felt like you forgot how to even speak.
You put your hand on his cheek.
He looked at your hand.
You brought your face closer and touched his forehead with yours.
He closed his eyes.
You could feel his fast breathing.
You closed your eyes and connected your lips.

You kissed him softly. It didn't last long.
You pulled away and opened your eyes.
Jack hadn't open his eyes yet.
You giggled slightly.
Finally he opened his eyes and saw you.
You could see how his eyes were sparkling.
You smiled.
"... Wow" he continued.
He couldn't look away. He just stared at you.
"How long..." he started
"about 4 months. I have liked you for about 4 months. I just couldn't say it to you. I was too scared" you explained.
He came closer to you on the bench.
"Well. Actually. I have has a crush on you for couple of months as well" he said.
This went better that you had expected.
You had been waiting for him to say no and kicking you out of their leerie house or something but no. There he was sitting right next to you.
He was looking at your lips. He took your hands in his.

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