Jack X Reader || Winter

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Words: 1300

You were cleaning your house. It was so messy because you haven't actually cleaned up in forever. But it needed to happen so now or never.
And also it was November so you needed more space for winter clothes.
It took about 5 hours to finish the whole project. Your house was quite small so it was easy. You went to make some tea. Then you remembered your friend, Jack, who was a lamplighter. You had been friends for many years. He had helped you with moving in to this house few years ago. He sometimes came to eat with you and sometimes he brought some friends with him. We always had a good time together.
But for a few months now you have noticed that you feel something special when he's around. You can't stop smiling around him. He's cute and handsome. He is nice to you and you never argue about anything. Something inside you feels different nowadays.
This week you haven't seen each other at all. It was sad. You missed Jack so much. You wanted to see him again.
Then you new what to do. You got up and looked at the clock. It was 6 pm. Because it was November and the sun sets earlier, the lamps have to light up at around 6 pm.
You knew Jack's rounds almost too well. You put on your warm clothes and stepped outside.
"Oh god.." you spoke under you breath. It had been snowing for a few days now and your front yard was full of snow. There was like half a metre of snow.
You didn't have time to do anything about it if you wanted to see Jack today. And of course you wanted so you continued walking.
This must be the coldest day yet this winter. It made you sad that those poor leeries had to live with no proper house.
Jack's rounds weren't very close to your house so you had to walk a bit. But it didn't matter. At all.

Finally you came to the park and saw a familiar bike against the lamp. You knew that it was Jack's bike. His ladder and torch. But where was he? Where was Jack?
(Ok so I was writing this scene when freakin' JAMAEL WESTMAN LIKED MY COMMENT ON TWITTER!! Anyway.. Back to the story)
You didn't see him anywhere. He's gonna come back to his bike at some point so...
You decided to sit on the bike. He will see you when he comes back. You will suprise him. Yeah. That's a good idea.

After a few minutes of sitting there you hear a voice that makes you smile.
"Hey! That's my bi... Oh.. Miss Y/N!" you turn your head so you could see
"'ello, Jack! Long time no see so I came here" you smiled. You were trying your best to not look too excited.
"Can I get my bike back?" he asked grinning.
"Ummm.. No" you grinned back at him pretending to think about it.
"But it's my bike" he teased.
"I know. And I'm sitting on your bike" you teased back.
A bright smile filled hus face. It warmed your heart on this cold day.
"Aren't you freezing out here?" you asked. Jack was wearing his same old clothes.
"Nah, I'm okay" he said but his voice told something else.
You grabbed his hand. His fingers were freezing cold.
"No, you're not. When is your round ready?" you asked.
"Actually I just finished. I came to get my bike but turns out there someone sitting on it" he smiled.
"Well then. We haven't seen each other in a long time so I thought if you wanted to come over?" you asked. Again, trying not to sound weird. You really had some kind of crush on your friend. This wasn't even a little crush anymore.
"I'd love to come if you finally gave me my bike back" he said and now you laughed and stood up.
"Thank you!" he laughed and sat down. "It's warm now"
You laughed at his comment.
"Hey Jack! Can you help me with somethin'" you asked.
"Sure can!" he answered.
"Well let go to my place" you said and started walking.
"Ya gonna walk?" you heard Jack say.
You turned around and nodded.
"C'mon! I'll drive us there" he said and made room for you on his bike.
You sat down in front of him and you left.
At your place Jack noticed the snow problem.
"Oh. I see" he said laughing.
"So, can you help?" you asked.
Jack nodded. You got you two shovels and started working.
It didn't take very long since there was two of you.
"Woah. Ready. Thanks for helping Jack!" you smiled.
"Anything for you Y/N" he answered.
"I'm freezing here. Let's go inside shall we" you said and opened the door to your house.
You kept it open and waited for Jack to go inside, but he stopped at the door.
"You first" he smiled looking at you.
"Why me? I'm keeping this door open for you"
"Ladies first" he said moving his hands telling you to go inside.
You let out a giggle and stepped inside. Jack was a true gentleman.
He came in and closed the door behind him.
"Tea?" you asked. He nodded.

You made tea and took the cups with you to the living room.
"I'll take some blankets for us. I'm still freezing" you said and went to the bedroom.
"I think one is enough!" you heard Jack say from the couch. You blushed a little.

You took the blanket and went back to the living room, trying to hide your obvious blush.
You sat down next to Jack and wrapped up in the other side of the blanket. Jack took the other end.
It was a quite small blanket because you lived alone and didn't need very big blankets.
You felt him getting closer. You blushed again.
He was looking at you.
"You are cute when you blush, you know that?" he said softly.
You didn't say anything. You looked back at him. You realized how close your faces where. The idea of kissing came to your head. You hadn't kissed him before. He had kissed your hand and cheek many times tho. And you had kissed his cheek too. You can't forget the look on his face after you had kissed his cheek for the first time.
But now your faces were millimetres away from each other.
Should you kiss him? Should you? You wanted to. You really wanted to know what it feels like to kiss someone's lips. You stared Jack and didn't do anything. Should you do it?
But then you saw him getting closer and leaning forward. You closed you eyes and felt his lips on yours. You froze but melted in a second.
This was a new feeling. It felt good. So good. So right. You kissed him back.
He put the blanket better on top of you two so he could come closer. Still lips on yours.
After a while he pulled away and you kept your eyes shut. You felt Jack's hand on your cheek. You opened your eyes. All you saw was a beautiful sight of Jack. Nothing else mattered right now. You were as red as a tomato but so was he.
"So.. Umm.. Wow.." he laughed quietly.
"Yeah.. Wow" you answerd.
"That was... Lovely" he said. Both of you clearly didn't know what to say.
"Jack, I-I..." you started but couldn't get words out of your mouth.
"I love you, Y/N" he whispered.
"Yeah, that. I love you too, Jack" you said under your breath and kissed him.
That night. That one, lovely winter night, your best friend became your boyfriend.

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