Jack X Reader || Baby

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Hello dear readers!
What is this? A oneshot? Yes!
Actually a little story not related to the GWRA series!

Request: yes! Thank you ThePASSIONforReading for the prompt!

Warnings: nope. It's just super cute.

Word count: 1163 (real shorty boi)


You were exhausted. It was time to go to sleep. You and your loving husband Jack were still new to this whole parenting thing. You had had your first child two months ago and that had changed your life completely.
You had a little family now. Everything was perfect. You had your husband, your little baby boy, and a house just a right size for you three.
The baby had gotten the name Oscar. You thought it was a brilliant name and suited him well.

Oscar had some trouble with falling asleep tonight. He had eventually fallen asleep though and now it was your turn. You left Oscar's room and closed the door as quietly as you possibly could. You didn't want to wake him up and you knew that you would still be talking with Jack in the room right next to Oscar's.
You managed to close the door. You didn't close it all the way. You left it a few centimetres open.
You turned around and walked into your bedroom. Jack was there sitting on the bed. He noticed you and made you room next to him. He clearly wanted you to sit down.
"You look sick. Are you sick?" he asked putting his palm on your forehead testing your temperature.
You shook your head. "I'm just tired. I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks. But I'm not complaining since Oscar is the reason. I just want to be with him. To make sure he is safe and happy" you smiled at Jack.
Jack grinned at you.
"It still feels surreal that we have a baby. We are parents (Y/N)! And you are a brilliant mother!"
You blushed a little. Jack still made you blush even though you had been together for 7 years.
You knew that Jack was an orphan so he didn't know what was it like to have actual parents. So this was twice as exciting to him than it was to you.
"Now you go to sleep, love. You have deserved a good sleep" Jack said and made you room to lay down.
You were pretty sure you would wake up in an hour or two to Oscar crying.

You woke up to birds singing outside and the sun shining to your face. You opened your eyes and realized it was morning. You didn't remember waking up during the night. Could it be possible you had been able to sleep through the night?
"Morning, Jack" you mumbled but you didn't get an answer. You looked behind you just to notice that Jack wasn't there next to you. You stood up and put your robe on. You went to Oscar's room but he wasn't in his bed. You were pretty confused at this point.
You started looking for them.

You went to the living room and on the couch there you saw something that melted your heart. It was Jack with Oscar on his chest both sleeping sweet and sound. Both of them looked really calm. You could see Oscar's favourite Teddy bear on the floor next to them.
Looked like Oscar had woken up at night and Jack had woken up to him crying. He didn't want to wake you up so he took Oscar and his teddy and went to the living room where they both had eventually fallen asleep. Jack on the couch Oscar on his chest.

You decided to cook breakfast for all three of you since Jack had been so sweet. You made some pancakes and some tea.
You could hear voices from the living room area. "Good morning boys" you said calmly.
"Morning (Y/N)" you heard Jack say even though you couldn't see from behind the couch.
You put the pancakes on a plate and went to the living room.
Oscar was still sleeping and Jack didn't want to move.
You sat on the floor next to the couch. You and Jack just looked at Oscar's tiny, round face. You looked at Jack and kissed his cheek.
"I made pancakes" you whispered.
Jack's face lit up.
"That's really nice of you!" he whispered back.
Oscar moved a little. He clearly started waking up.
Jack took him to his arms and changed into sitting position. You gave him the teddy that had fallen to the floor at night.
Jack holding little Oscar was the cutest thing you had ever seen.

Jack took Oscar to the dining table and put him to his own baby chair.
He took himself some pancakes and started eating.
You gave Oscar some milk and took some pancakes yourself.
"Thank you, Jack" you said.
"For what?" Jack asked smiling.
"Letting me sleep the night. That was sweet of you"
"You needed sleep so I did what I could and let you sleep" he answered.

After eating breakfast it was time to go on a walk. You put Oscar into a pram. Maybe he could get some sleep during the walk.
Jack wanted to come with you.
You walked down the street towards the closest park. It was a brilliant place to go spend time.
You sat down on a bench and you moved the pram a little to get Oscar to fall asleep. Eventually he did.
"Jack. I have noticed that I am constantly really tired. Do you thinknI try too much?" you asked. Jack looked at you.
"To be honest, I think you should sleep more. We should like... Make a schedule" Jack said now prtty excited.
"What do you mean?" you asked. He started explaining.
"For example, every other morning I wake up early to take care of Oscar and ever other morning it's your turn. That way we can both have an equal amount of sleep. Same with night routines".
"That sounds actually good!" you said happily.
It sounded wonderful to be able to sleep at least a bit more.
"Brilliant! We shall start tomorrow morning. I'll wake up early to take care of little Oscar and you sleep" Jack continued.
"But wait, Jack, you woke up this morning, well, night. Isn't it my turn? " you asked. Jack shooknhis head and putbhis arm around you.
"Nope. You need sleep. I will wake up earlier tomorrow and you sleep, darling" he said and kissed your cheek.
You smiled at him. This could actually work. You felt so lucky to have so amazing husband.
"Thank you, Jack" you said to him.
"No problem, love" he said and you three left back home.


And there you have it. It was nice to write oneshots for the first time in forever. Thanks again for the prompt ThePASSIONforReading.
New prompts are always welcome.
Hope you enjoyed.
TGWRA part 6 is on it's way.
Stay safe and healthy.

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