Chapter 1

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Never make someone your whole world, because at the end of the day they could leave you

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Never make someone your whole world, because at the end of the day they could leave you. And if they do, you'll be lost.

Who did you think you were fooling? You didn't know the answer to that question, but least you had gotten to the point where you weren't fooling yourself anymore, that one was for sure. You knew that your boyfriend of three years was most likely cheating on you and you had no idea how you were feeling right now or how you were going to confront him about it.

"You fucking had it coming." You scoffed as you were lying on your bed, just staring at the ceiling. Something you had been doing for a few nights now whenever you couldn't fall asleep and he wasn't with you.

Your relationship started off as something great, something amazing, something beautiful but everything had an end and a downfall. For the two of you, it was about six months ago when he finished his degree and started his job as an accountant for some stupid company.

Of course, you were proud of him, you had been with him through most of his time as a student and you had seen the struggles he went through to get it, but was it really supposed to end that way? He loved his job, which was probably still a mystery to you, but you supported him as much as you could. He was great at what he was doing, but you saw each other less and less, usually because he told you he was working overtime which was fine for you at first, but at some point the suspicions kicked in.

Was it really that normal for him to work overtime every fucking day? You weren't one to jump to conclusions or to be jealous, hell you were far from it, but something felt wrong which made you put up a wall around yourself. Your brain was telling you to break up with him while your heart was telling you that he was the most perfect guy you had ever met and the love of your life.

You had been hurt before but you were sure that he was never going to hurt you, right? What were you supposed to do when your gut told you exactly the opposite? Right now, all you knew was that you loved him but your relationship was quite frankly falling apart and you had no fucking clue about anything anymore because for the past three years, he was your rock and your shoulder to cry on, your one constant in a life of full of variables.

You stared at the picture you had set as your lock screen. You knew that you loved him, but you also knew that as soon as you had proof that he was cheating on you, your whole life would change, everything would be different because his life was yours and his friends were yours. You had been together for so long that everything seemed to have melted together.

Breaking up with him meant that you would be completely lost. What were you supposed to do? Start a new life? Move to another country? Change your name? Everything that entered your mind sounded absolutely ridiculous, but so were the thought of him cheating on you.

He was your first ever boyfriend and you thought that you would last, that he would be your husband some day and the father of your children. You were a team, destined to grow old together. You loved each other and you were meant to be - or so you thought.

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