Chapter 4

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4. One minute you're happy, but the next thing, you know is you're crying on the bathroom floor. Unexpected things happen.

Tom held open the front door for you as you walked past him, sending him a shy smile. You were grateful that you didn't have to go home, but at the same time you didn't know if you wanted to talk to Tom about your break-up, hell, you didn't even know if you wanted to talk about it at all and yet, it somehow comforted you that you knew someone was there for you - even if that someone was a guy you were currently keeping a big ass secret from.

"Coffee? Tea? Beer?" Tom asked as he lead you into their living room, "Vodka?"

"Very tempting, but tea please." You chuckled as you plopped down onto their couch as Tom disappeared in the kitchen.

Taking in the boys interior, you realized you didn't know much about Harrison, let alone Tom. You knew that Harrison was majoring in the same degree as you did and that he was fun to be around, but what did Tom do? Was he a student as well or was he working or was he not doing anything at all?

Your eyes landed on the camera and filming equipment that seemed to be safely placed in the corner of their living room, maybe they were into film making? Or at least one of them seemed to be fond of photography and filming. Before you could think more about who's interest it seemed to be, Tom reappeared from the kitchen before handing you your tea and sitting down on the other end of the couch.

"Wanna talk about it or do you want me to tell you a funny story?" Tom asked as he sent you a soft smile, "I've got plenty of embarrassing stories to tell. One's you can use against Harrison as well."

You felt terrible for not telling him about Jo on the spot because it would be what he deserved. He deserved to know about his girlfriend cheating on him, he deserved better, and yet, you still had no idea how to tell him. Could you just blurt out that his girlfriend was cheating on him? Putting yourself in his situation, you probably wouldn't have believed him if the roles were reversed.

Fact was, that Tom loved Jo and that he even went as far as defending her every time his best mate said something rude about her. He stayed by her side, despite the fact that his friends didn't like her and told him that something was up with her. Would he really believe you if you told him straight away?

"I-I guess I just broke up with Byron." You mumbled, as you tried to look everywhere except for Tom. You couldn't look at him, you didn't know why, but you weren't ready to break his heart.

Tom seemed like a nice guy and you weren't ready to see his heart shatter in front of you. He had friends there to pick up the pieces while your friends were probably being convinced by Byron that you were the bad guy. He had friends who didn't like Jo and were probably ready to talk shit about her 24/7 while your friends were mostly Byron's friends that came to like you and accept you as one of them.

You had Will, but you knew he would blame himself, while you didn't blame anyone but Byron. Of course you didn't know Tom well enough to know what his reaction would be, but you had weeks to prepare for the moment of truth. Deep inside, you knew how this would turn out. You knew he was a cheating asshole and you had spent plenty of nights in denial. You had prepared yourself for a heartbreak.

Tom didn't have the preparation that you had. Of course it broke you and shattered your heart into hundreds of pieces, but you were ready for it, you knew it was coming. You had been storing tubes of glue in your bag for weeks now, ready to pull them out if you needed to put your heart back together.

"I'm sorry to hear that." The soft tone in the boy's voice finally made you look at him.

"I'm not." You said as you tried to make a joke about your situation but failed horribly as another tear escaped your eye.

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