Chapter 8

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8. And sometimes you'll still miss him although he gave you so little to miss.

The sound of glass shattering ripped you out of your dream about living in a High School Musical movie and dancing along to "Can I Have This Dance?" with Zac Efron. It took you a second to realise that you had spent the night in Tom's bed and it took you another second to realise that you hadn't slept that well in ages.

Your grabbed your phone which was safely placed on Tom's bedside table and made your way out of the bedroom. As you arrived in the living room, you were bombarded with: "Stop!"'s "Stay where you are!"'s and "Careful!"'s

"What's going on?"

"Harry is stupid and dropped some bottles as he tried to carry all of them out. Safe to say his baby hands weren't ready." Harrison explained as you tried to hold back a laugh.

"Go fuck yourself, Harrison."

"How about you just try and be polite for once? As far as I can remember I was the one who let you sleep in my bed last night while I took the couch."

"Okay, first of all, Osterfield, your lights went out on that couch! And where was I supposed to go? The bathtub?" Harry shot back as Tom let out a laugh.

"Tessa's bed in Tom's room would at least mean you would steal sleeping space from a family member."

"You want me to sleep in a dog's bed?" Harry gasped as he threw a beer pong ball he had just picked up in Harrison's direction.

"It's where you belong." Harrison laughed as he threw the ball back at the curly haired boy.

"You'll get used to it." Tom laughed as he appeared next to you while you were still silently observing the two bantering idiots.

The next two hours were spent cleaning, having breakfast and talking about yesterday's party. You found out about Harry daring Harrison to drink a raw egg, Harrison daring Tuwaine to down a bottle of Ketchup and Sam daring Harry to lick the toilet seat before he earned himself a hit on the back of his head and a "Fuck you" from Harry. Everything seemed to have run smoothly with nothing breaking and no one being sent to the hospital which would make it a successful evening if there wasn't that one small part that was still stuck in your mind.

You said your goodbyes to the two boys before heading to the next tube station with Harry who was more or less thrown out with the words: "Go bother your twin brother and not your big brother.". The boy had to go into a different direction, so the company you had, only lasted a few minutes, which meant that you were now alone on a tube, with a thousand thoughts running through your head.

Byron had texted you that he loved you and that he missed you. Of course you would be lying if you said that you didn't care one bit about that text. You still cared. You still loved him and missed him here and there when you were alone with your thoughts, but were you really ready to talk to him again?

You had seen Tom with Jo just yesterday and it still hurt more than you wished it did. The betrayal you had experienced was still stuck in your bones and the pieces of your heart were still trying to clue themselves back together, so seeing and talking to Byron would probably break your heart again. He would break your heart again.

You didn't know what to expect from him anymore. Was he trying to get you back? Or was he trying to keep another option open if Jo decided to try and get back with Tom? And - what if Tom decided to take her back?

It's not like you could tell him what to do, but you knew he deserved better than being cheated on, that he deserved to be the first choice - and that he deserved someone who wouldn't even think about betraying him.

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