Chapter 2

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2. It hurts to see a stranger in the eyes of someone you're in love with.

"Josephine, but call me Jo." The girl said as you almost couldn't trust your own ears.

If you hadn't studied her whole fucking face and everything about her only a few hours ago and if Byron wasn't visibly nervous about his secret getting exposed, you would've probably tried to convince yourself that she wasn't the girl he was with for probably the past months.

You wished you could've just accepted the fact that Byron cheated on you with someone from work and leave that chapter behind you, but the fact that both of them were cheating on their partners was just ridiculous. Poor Tom probably didn't even know what was happening and there you were, smiling at the girl in front of you as if you didn't know that she was hooking up with your, well, almost ex-boyfriend.

"Hey." Byron lifted his hand and sent the group a little wave, "Uh, Babe, I think Will wanted to continue the game, we should get back to them." He said, making you realise how absurd the situation you were in right now was.

It was clear that he wanted to get you away from their table as fast as he could and you were surprised that Josephine didn't seem to care one bit about Byron standing at their table, probably way too sure that neither you nor Tom knew about their little affair.

"I'll be there in a sec, I just owe Harrison a beer after he helped me pass that one test a few weeks ago." You grinned at Harrison who threw his fist in the air before getting up from his seat.

"Thought you had forgotten." He laughed as he waited for you to make your way to the bar.

"I'll, uh, just go back to the boys, okay?" Byron smiled before placing a kiss on your lips. A kiss that was so gentle and soft that it almost betrayed your heart into thinking he was the good guy. A kiss that made your heart ache and stomach turn because you knew it wasn't as sincere as it used to be.

Harrison went on to order three Tequila shots after Tom had joined you to grab himself and the other two a new drink. The blonde had stated that he was buying the first round so Tom could join the two of you in taking a shot before you could buy him the beer you owed him. You weren't a big fan of Tequila, but after everything that had happened to you in the past ten hours, you were more than ready to feel the burning liquor make its way down your throat.

"Lick, drink, bite." Harrison grinned at you as he poured the salt onto your hand before doing the same to Tom who was looking at the lemon slice in his hand as if it was going to try and kill him.

"Mate, you know how much I hate Tequila." The brunette groaned as Harrison did nothing but shrug, clearly not caring about Tom's hatred towards the drink.

"You'll thank me later when your girl is getting on our nerves again." Harrison snorted as he placed the salt back down after he had poured some on his hand as well.

"Dude?" Tom raised his eyebrow as if he was waiting for an apology from his friend after he had just called his girlfriend annoying, "I already told you that I don't like it when you talk about her like that."

"Why? We all know it's going to happen sooner or later, still don't know why you brought her along anyway, but go off, I guess." Harrison shrugged before sending you an grin when he saw you observe their little discussion.

"I'll never understand why you two don't get along." Tom shrugged before raising his shot glass in your direction, waiting for you to bump his and Harrison's.

"Because -" Harrison started before he stopped as if he was trying to find the right words to describe why he didn't like his mate's girlfriend, but gave up quickly before saying: "Just don't like her, I guess. Maybe at some point down the line we'll get along, just not right now."

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