Chapter 6

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6. You can miss what you almost had, but you have to move on even though you can't forget them.

"H-Hey." Tom managed to croak out as his watery eyes found yours, "I-I — I'm sorry, I didn't -"

"It's okay." You smiled, "I would've reacted the same way." Stepping back from the door, you allowed Tom to step inside, leading him into the direction of your living room before sitting down on the couch next to the boy.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"I just - I want to tell you that I am incredibly sorry for not believing you. I-I thought she loved me! I thought we were going great and that there was no way she would ever cheat on me." Tom said as a few tears escaped his eyes, "I saw my future with her."

"Oh Tom." Scooting closer to the boy, you pulled him into the hug he probably needed right now. It had only been four days since the tables had turned, and somehow, you felt like seeing this right now, was breaking your heart again, although you weren't involved in it.

Tom's face was buried into the crook of your neck as sobs raked his body. Your hands were rubbing up and down the boy's back, trying to comfort him as much as you could, but seeing him like that, made you hate Byron and Jo twice as much as you already did and for some weird reason, you hated Jo more for breaking Tom like that than you hated Byron for breaking you.

"I'm so sorry." You whispered as you felt a tear roll down your cheek as well, "Everything's going to be okay, Tom."

"I-I just don't understand." Tom said as he slowly lifted his head up and let his arms drop back to his sides again.

You didn't either. Was it really that hard to stay faithful to each other? Was it that hard to break up with your partner before getting involved with someone else? Was it that hard to just not be a cheater?

"You're going to be okay." You smiled as you instinctively raised your hand and wiped away the tears on Tom's cheeks.

"I-I searched for his name in her phone, y'know. She didn't even bother to put him under a different name. He texted her saying that he finally broke up with his girlfriend and that Jo should finally break up with me."

"Of course he did." You scoffed as you shook your head.

Yes, you missed Byron and you missed what you used to have, but everything that had happened made it really fucking hard to not want to strangle him. How was he playing the victim part so well when he had been the one to straight up murder your heart?

"I'm really sorry for not believing you." Tom said as he sent you a soft smile, "I-I just thought that she would never betray me like that."

"It's fine. I could have handled the situation a lot better. I didn't mean for you to find out like that."

"I feel like we both could have handled it a lot better, but it was time for me to find out." Tom let out a chuckle as he shook his head, "This is so fucked up. Why do they get to be the ones happy and living life while we are sitting here, drowning ourselves in tears and heartbreak?"

"Life's messy, but I'm a strong believer in Karma and I can promise you we'll be the ones coming out on top in the long run, we just don't know how long the run is right now." You smiled as you got up from your seat, you throat aching for some water - or maybe wine.

"I've got ice cream, beer and wine." You said as Tom's lips spread into a smile, "Want one or two of those things? Or maybe just a glass of water?"

"I'll have what you have."

"Ice cream and wine it is then." You grinned as you made your way over to the freezer to grab your much earned love in a tub and a bottle.

It didn't feel weird spending the day with Tom, it was quite the opposite. It was nice to be able to talk to someone who knew exactly what you were going through. The two of you were in this together and somehow, you seemed to make it your own mission to be the ones to cheer each other up.

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