Chapter 3

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3. Sometimes it's hard to accept the fact that you loved unconditionally but gained nothing back.

Sitting next to Harrison was somehow comforting you a lot more than you thought it would. You may not be the bestest of friends but you figured that as soon as shit hit the fan, he may be the one to help you get through this because first of all he hated Jo as much as you did and second of all, he wasn't friends with Byron which seemed to be a big bonus at this point.

Your eyes wandered over to where Byron was talking to Will and for the first time this evening you could see Josephine really look at Byron. Her face dropped for a split second as if she had just realised what was going on, as if she was scared that their little secret was about to be exposed, and funnily enough, it comforted you a bit to see her not be as heartless as you thought she was. She was just a great actor - still a bitch - but with at least with some acting potential.

Harrison on the other hand didn't catch Jo's change in behaviour for that split second, he was still trying to put some pieces together to figure out what was going on between you and Jo, to figure out why you were giving her and Byron death glares here and there.

He thought that maybe he had triggered that reaction, but he hadn't told you a lot about Jo, so there was no way that you would be this cold to her after just hearing that Harrison didn't like her. The boy knew he needed to get to the bottom of this, he was a curious person out of nature and he needed to know if something was going on that would possibly help him convince Tom that she was the devil in person.

It was 2am when the whole table decided that it was probably time to leave. You were surprised by how much you enjoyed hanging out with Harrison and especially Harry, Tom's little brother. The curly haired boy seemed to be up for everything and Harrison seemed to enjoy it way too much when Harry made a fool of himself.

With the pair of them entertaining you, it was easy to forget what was happening in your life right now. It was easy to forget that your boyfriend and his affair were sitting on the same table as you and her boyfriend. It was easy to just enjoy life, which made it so much easier to make up your mind about breaking up with Byron.

You knew there was a life after him and your new friend unknowingly showed you that it may not be as bad as you thought it might be. You were your own person and you knew you were strong as hell, but just the thought that there may be people there to support you afterwards made you even stronger.

You were not going to let Byron ruin your life - and if it meant ruining your shitshow of a relationship, then it was just a win-win situation.

You were the first out of the pub, followed by the rest as you said your goodbyes out in the dark. Byron was the first to say goodbye to his best mate and then the rest of the guys, carefully sending a nod and a smile into their direction before pulling you into a hug and placing a kiss on your forehead.

"I'm going to walk home, probably need that walk to get the alcohol out of my system, you coming?" He smiled as he looked at Will. The two of them lived close together, so they usually ended up showing up together and leaving together.

"You getting home safe?" Will asked as he pulled you into a hug.

"Of course." You smiled. How was it that Will cared more about you getting home safe than Byron did? Had he really lost any sense of emotion towards you?

"Dickhead." You heard Harrison mumble under his breath as you found yourself staring at your boyfriend's and mate's backs, "I'm getting a second Uber, feel free to join Harry and myself on the ride home."

"It would be an unnecessary detour to get me home, I'll just get to the next Tube station." You smiled as Harrison shook his head.

"I'm not going to let you get on a Tube alone at 2am, (Y/N). It's either me getting on that Tube with you and Harry getting an Uber for himself or you hopping in with us." Harrison smiled.

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