Chapter 7

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7. Letting go isn't easy, but it will happen in its own natural way.

You were healing. It had been hard for you to move on with your life over the past few days, but everything seemed to be going a lot smoother for you day by day. It was a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning than it had been only a week ago.

Your heart still hurt when thinking about Byron and everything he had put you through, but it hurt even more thinking about your lost friendship with Will. You hadn't heard from him since he had left your flat the day you broke up with Byron and that was something that was still creeping up on you during the day, you had never not talked to each other for more than 24 hours.

You hadn't heard from the girls either, which wasn't really surprising, assuming Byron had told them the same story he had fed Will, but it still hurt to know that they were so easily convinced that you were the bad guy in your relationship - that you were the cheater.

Harrison had made it his mission to somehow push you through studying for your exams since you didn't have the motivation to do so on your own and he had finally managed to convince you to attend their stupid houseparty Tom had set up only a few days earlier. They had moved it to Saturday since "two days of planning are not enough time", but three were totally fine, they said.

Your blonde friend had been an angel during all of this. He gave you the notes he had taken during class and he had somehow been able to get all of the important bits in your brain before your final exam which you had most likely nailed just yesterday, meaning you were now off Uni for the summer and ready to heal and forget everything that had happened over the past week.

You hadn't spoken to Tom since the day he left your flat. Jo's text had really managed to screw with his brain once more. The two of you had talked for another three or four hours until you came to the conclusion that he should just delete the text and not meet up with her since it would be the best for him.

The kiss you had shared a few days back was never mentioned again and you were quite happy about that. The hickey on your neck was fainting as well which would soon mean that the kiss had never happened and that no one would ever know about it.

You felt bad for ending up in this position with Tom, but you both knew that it had been something you needed in that moment and you couldn't say you were regretting it. It helped you to keep your thoughts away from Byron and it maybe even helped Tom to realize that there was a life after Jo - a life after being cheated on.

You got ready for the night and even put some effort in your outfit and makeup which was something that you hadn't done for quite a while now. Whenever you went out it wasn't that much of a special occasion, but today? Things were different and you were going to be the best version of yourself. The result of that effort was that you looked pretty nice if you could say so yourself and you were officially ready to move one with your life and enjoy your newly found single life.

Harrison had asked you if you were down to join them an hour earlier so he could use you as a cheap helper to get things set up and to try out their new beer pong table which was why you were outside their front door at 8pm.

You were greeted by the angelic face of Harrison Osterfield who, without a doubt, looked great in his striped button up shirt. After he pulled you into a hug he lead you to their shared living room were you were already greeted by Harry and two more people you didn't know yet.

"You know Harry, this is his twin brother Sam and this is the guy you want to avoid tonight." Harrison said as the guy next to Sam flipped him off.

"I am Tuwaine and he's a dickhead." He shook his head before smiling at you, "I'm the only person you should not avoid tonight since they're all going to be drunk off their asses and annoying as hell."

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