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James was by his laptop on his desk at the window when she arrived that night, dropping her bag onto the couch as she approached him. He mumbled a hello to her, barely turning to smile before turning back to his laptop, typing away furiously once more.

"How can you possibly be working on a Friday night?" She murmured against his ear as she leaned from behind him to rest her chin on his shoulder.

"I've a lot of work to do for my divorce lawyer." He sighed, breathing in the sweetness of her perfume and finally turning to regard her fully as she hummed once in response. "You look cute,"

She smiled at the compliment, tilting her head so her ponytail flopped to one side and folding her arms as she looked down at her fitted grey jumper and black leggings that hugged the shape of her legs and curves. "This is minimal effort lounging attire, so I think you're lying to me."

"Or I find you cute no matter what you wear." He smiled, guiding her into his lap. "Or don't wear."

"Even when I stumble in drunk some weekends with my shoes in my hand and my hair tied in a messy bun incase I vomit?" She smirked, linking her arms around him as she got comfortable.

"Ah, good point."

She swatted his chest playfully as he laughed,
"Hey!" She laughed too, glancing at his laptop screen. "You're using Fury's law firm? Good choice."

"It came highly recommended, so hopefully they deal with it as quickly and as cheaply as possible."

"I know someone that works there and she's ruthless, apparently everyone that works there is."

"More ruthless than you?" He joked pressing a kiss to her cheek before patting her ass as she got up again.

"Maybe only just." She smirked. "She is a friend of the family, practically my Aunt even though there's only 15 or so years between us. Taught me everything I know about being so ruthless." 

"So I have her to thank for you being such a handful?" He teased.

"Her and my parents unwavering stubborn nature." She laughed, producing her laptop. " Pizza tonight? I've an essay to finish off anyway so we both have the excuse of not having time to cook."

"Works for me, there is wine in the fridge too so there's really no reason to move." he agreed, letting her order and he turned his attention back to his own laptop.


Half an hour or so later, their pizza arrived and she answered the door gladly accepting the delicious smelling boxes from the delivery guy. She sat them on the table next to her laptop as James got up to stretch before he went to get plates and some drinks for them. Another knock at the door interrupted them, and without thinking Natasha answered it assuming it was the pizza delivery guy again, perhaps he'd made a mistake with the orders.
Instead two men stood before her, one in an expensive looking suit and the other dressed smartly in denim jeans and a shirt.

"Hey? Uh does Bucky live here still?" the tall blonde man asked, confusion over both his and her features as he frowned down at her curiously.

"Always so straight to the point Steve. I'm Tony by the way." The other man flashed her a grin, extending out his hand to her which she took cautiously to shake. He lifted it to his lips kissing it briefly before he let it go again, her only response being the raise of her eyebrow. "We are looking for out friend Buck, he lives here?"

"Um..." she cleared her throat a little taken aback at first, but James appeared behind her hearing the familiar voices of his friends.

"Hey Steve, Tony." He nodded to each in turn. "I see you've already met Natasha."

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