Twenty Six

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James woke in the middle of the night to the sound of Natasha in the bathroom, washing her face and getting ready for bed. He peered at the time on his phone, and then closed his eyes once he saw it was only just 3am, hoping to slip back to sleep undisturbed. However, after she didn't appear in the bedroom a further ten minutes later, he got up to go check on her when he was unable to rest.

Her hair was now pulled up in a pony tail, but she was still fully clothed, leaning against the bathroom counter with her arms folded. Her head was dipped down and her eyes were closed as if she was asleep standing upright, and the thought made him smile. He leaned in the doorway, speaking softly so he didn't startle her.

"Come on little party animal," he chuckled, "Let's get you off to bed,"

She smiled softly as she opened her eyes to look up at him, standing straight once more. He reached out his hand to her and she took it, moving towards him as he lead her back to bed.

James left her to change as he got her some water, and returned with it just as she threw her dress in the laundry pile. He handed her the glass to sip, and went to climb back into bed before she stopped him, holding his face in her hand. "Love you."

"Love you too," he smiled in return, guiding an arm around her waist and pressing a kiss to her lips. "Good night?"

"I'll tell you all about it in the morning." She assured him, lowering them into bed and curling up beside him. He nodded, eyes already closing, and it wasn't long until he was breathing steadily in a deep sleep, and she was left wide awake.


Natasha was awake first, but James wasn't far behind, heading into the kitchen just as she'd finished making breakfast for them both.

"Morning," he murmured sleepily, kissing her cheek before getting them some orange juice. She murmured the same greeting, sitting down with him to eat as they listened to the radio and had their usually relaxing Sunday morning routine. Only once he had finished eating did she rise from the table and head around to him.

"You're done? You've barely touched a thing." He said, moving his chair back so she could sit in his lap while she shook her head.

"I'm not hungry." She looped he arms around his neck. "But I need to tell you something...about last night."

He immediately had a flash of concern in his blue eyes, but held her all the same. "Did something happen? Are you alright?"

"I'm okay." She assured, looking him in the eyes. "But I need you to trust me on this."

"Okay," he breathed, with a slight hesitation.

"It'll be fine." She promised, taking a breath. "My friends, all of them...they know about us. About you."

His eyes widened in realisation, and she knew he was clocking off each of her friends from memory and knew he perhaps taught at least one of them. His hands loosened around her, and her heart lurched in her throat as he muttered "Fuck." Under his breath.

Maybe this wouldn't be fine.

"They won't tell anyone, or report it or anything like that." She assured, "I wanted you to know-"

"How did they find out, Natasha?"

She took a breath "If I cut right to the point, a few heard me mention your name to Wanda, they wanted to know who you were and apparently my other friend saw us on the subway together. They eventually just...put two and two together."

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