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"Nat," James called as he walked from the bedroom into the living room, her phone held in his hand. "You've got a call."

True enough, the phone was buzzing in his hand, and she abandoned the notes she was writing to take it from him. He stopped her a moment before she could check the caller ID, kissing the confused frown she gave so it disappeared instantly, and then passed her phone over.

"Hey Clint, what's up?" She asked, moving to look out the window as she answered.

"Nothing much, Wanda stayed at Pietro's last night. She was wondering if we can go help her move some stuff?"

"Sure. Do you know the way?" She nodded, feeling a presence lingering at her back.

"I'll manage. Do you need me to pick you up on route? I didn't realise you didn't come home last night."

"Miss me?" She teased lightly, inviting hands to slowly clip onto her waist from behind, and lips on her neck for a moment.

"Your apartment is creepy as fuck at night, so yeah. Some company would have been nice." He laughed down the line, "I'll meet you there, yeah?"

"See you in 20 minutes." She hung up the phone, turning in James' arms. "Well aren't you lucky, now you don't need to feel bad about abandoning me to watch the game."

"Steve would kill me if I bailed on him," he chuckled. "Where are you going?"

"To help Wanda clear out her brothers flat, Clint's on his way so I should probably get ready to go."

"I'll leave with you, I'm basically ready to go anyway." He nodded, kissing her cheek.

"What's with all the affection?" She smirked at him, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "What do you want?"

He laughed, letting go of her. "Nothing. You've got your key, yeah?."

"Of course. I'll be back in a few hours hopefully." She nodded, grabbing her handbag and coat.


Natasha ended up meeting Clint just off the subway, walking with him the rest of the way to the apartment to meet Wanda.

"So, where have you been all night and day?" He asked casually, hands pushed into his jacket pockets as he walked alongside her.

"I thought Wanda would have spilled all my secrets to you by now." She teased, an effort to avoid the subject just a little longer.

"Nah, she's too loyal for that. Just mumbled something about not having a clue even though I could see she was bursting to tell me." He chuckled. "C'mon Nat, you can tell me anything. Is it a guy?"

"Yeah, it's a guy." She nodded. "Well, it's kind of a complicated guy."

"Complicated in what way?" He raised a brow, his slightly overprotective side slipping out. "He's not a scumbag is he? He treats you right, right?"

"Of course he does," she assured him with a nod. "What I mean is...he's a little older."

"How much older? 25? 28?" He guessed, her cheeks flushing red with each attempt.

"More like 33 and teaches at my college."

"What?!" He said loudly, "33 year old professor ?!"

"Shut up!" She hissed, "It's not that big of a deal!"

"Eh, isn't it?!" He laughed, pulling her into a one arm hug and squeezing her into his side as she folded her arms in denial. "God, you never fail to surprise me."


The game had just ended, a severe loss for this team making both Steve and James sulk a little at the bar table.

"Oh lighten up! It's just a game!" Maria rolled her eyes at them, sipping her wine as Tony nodded in agreement.

"God, you two are far too invested in them. Why can't you just root for the winners?"

"It's about loyalty." James frowned.

"Loyalty gets you nowhere in this world." Tony shrugged arrogantly. "You gotta be strategic, you know you're gonna lose, switch it up so you win."

Steve groaned as Tony when into one of his rants that no one fully paid attention to, while Marie just shook her head at him and struck up a conversation instead.

"Anyway James, How's Nat? I meant to call but we both run in opposite schedules."

"She's good. Well, alright. I assume you heard about Wanda brother?"

"Terrible. The poor girl must be heartbroken. But at least Clint is home, he's good at handling these sort of things and keeping the girls right."

"Is he now?" He shrugged indifferently. "That's good."

Maria raised her eyebrows at him a moment before Tony spoke. "You sound a little bitter there buddy, you want to be the only knight in shining armour for little red?" He teased, smirking at the furrow of James brow.

"Not at all," he replied as Steve gave him a look.

" I wouldn't think you have anything to worry about with Clint," Maria smiles softly, sipping her drink. "I don't think Natasha would take him back ever."

"Ah, so it's her ex? That makes sense as to why Buck here is so hostile about the poor guy." Steve teased with a grin.

James hummed once, forcing a smile and a laugh out for his own sake and shaking his head. "I don't have any bad feelings, I don't even know the kid. He's her friend, all four of them were a little group, I guess they're close."

"Nat's not one for giving things a second chance either, I don't even think they fully dated."

"Oh," Steve And James both said in unison. At least someone agreed with him that that was probably worse.

"They'll just be good friends now like they were before."  Maria continued assuringly.

"Friendzoned. Shit place to be, lucky for you though." Tony shrugged, tilting his glass towards James before he drank. "Means she's a loyal kid to keep around unlike your shit football team."

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