Thirty Five

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The small fire pit burned on in the darkness of the night, emitting a romantic glow across the back of the bungalow where they'd been spending most nights up late.  James returned from inside with wine for them both, sitting back beside Natasha and wrapping his arm around her shoulders as she sipped her wine slowly and leaned against him.

"Can you believe it's our last night?" She asked, and he shook his head slowly.

"It's been too quick," he replied, squeezing her shoulder softly. "But I'm glad I came."

"I am too." She sighed, leaning her head back to look up at the stars. "I'm not ready to go back to reality just yet."

James sipped on his wine and sighed. "We can go away again soon. Properly this time."

Natasha smiled at that, looking back at him. "You mean that?" 

"Of course. What about camping?"

"Ugh, I don't know." She laughed. "All the bugs?"

"Scared of some creepy crawlers, huh?" He smirked, wiggling his finger lightly against her neck to make her flinch. "It's not as bad as you think."

She raised a brow, not believing him but shrugged. "I do like the idea of sharing a sleeping bag. Being cold and cuddled up, full of s'mores." She smirked, looking at the fire. "God, I wish we had marshmallows."

He laughed, commenting fondly. "You and your sweet tooth." he guided her chin up and kissed her on the lips. "You're sweet enough already."

Natasha smirked, peppering kisses along his jaw and then up to just below his ear. "That's because I'm made of sugar and spice and all things nice."

"Plus a whole lot of wit, sass and an impressive ass,"

She smacked his chest with her hand, scolding him as he laughed and pulled her closer once more. They were going to make it this time. No more set backs, he was sure of it.


Throughout the flight home they tried their best to sleep, watch some movies or read books. In the end, the found the best way to pass their time was flicking through photos from their trip, of scenic sunsets, tropical fish, and of course each other. For once, they even had photos together. An arm wrapped around each other and grinning at the camera while on the beach, one where they'd bother squeezed into the hammock, Natashas head on his bare chest. Natasha's favourite was the selfie of them both, tanned, eyes shining with happiness. Both had a Lei around their neck and a coconut with a straw in their hand.

"I look so much happier." Natasha commented eventually with a shake of her head. "I never wanted to be that girl that needed someone to be happy...but I'm glad it's you."

James squeezed her hand, pressing a kiss to her cheek in return. "I feel the same way about you, I was a miserable bastard before you."

"Was?" She smirked, laughing at his faux hurt expression.

"Ouch." He pouted and she kissed his lips sweetly to make that pout disappear.

Once they had landed around 4am local time, James helped her with her case into the trunk of a cab, and got in beside her, raising a brow at the look she was giving him. "Yes?"

She didn't get the chance to reply first as the cab driver asked what address they were heading to. She gave him her address then glanced at James, slowly sliding her hand over his mouth so he couldn't give his.

"That's my polite way of asking if you'll help me up with my case...and stay the night?" She smiled, feeling him chuckle against her hand before she removed it. "It's just you and me, everyone else is with their significant others."

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