Twenty Four

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Two weeks later, everything was back to normal. Natasha could look James in the eye without cowering away in guilt and she could also equally talk to Clint without feeling the dread deep in her core.

It was simple, and sinful, and she wasn't proud of herself for resetting her emotions like that, but it did make her life easier. She knew exactly what she wanted now, and she had it.

Natasha walked through the door of his apartment in the evening, greeted with balloons scattered around the room, streamers and confetti dusted across all flat surfaces, and James standing holding a chocolate cake with one large candle that sang happy birthday when lit. He grinned like a Cheshire Cat at her shocked expression.

"What is all this?" She laughed, dropping her bags down as he approached her.

"It's your birthday,"

"Tomorrow." She smiled, but he just shrugged in response.

"We're celebrating all weekend and since I have you to myself tonight, I thought we could start early," he held up the cake, "Make a wish."

She smirked "Ah, but the wishes don't come true without the song,"

James sighed dramatically, letting her take the cake from him as he started his rendition of Happy Birthday, making a joke out of it and wrapping an arm around her so she could barely blow out her candles for laughing.

She sat the cake down, welcoming the hug he gave her accompanied by a kiss. "Happy now?" He asked her, to which he nodded in reply. "I will keep your gifts until tomorrow, but for now, how about a night on the town?"

"Ooh, what does that have in store?" She grinned, her eyes flashing with excitement.

"Food and a show," he smiled,

She eyed him up and down "Is that why you're dressed all smart and handsome?"

"No, I always look like this." He smirked cheekily in reply.


It was approaching midnight by the time they returned home, Natasha removing her heels as she sat on the kitchen counter eating birthday cake. She fed a forkful to him when he returned to her, after locking them in for the night and closing curtains around the apartment.

Natasha rested her head back against the cupboards as she watched him nod, impressed by the cake as his hand automatically slide onto her thighs while he slotted into the gap between them. "Hey, this cake isn't bad,"

"Cake can never be bad," she smiled, lifting another forkful for him.

"Hmm you've obviously never tried your own baking," he joked, laughing as she paused, fork still suspended between them and gave him a frown. She turned the fork around and fed herself the cake instead.

"No more for you then," she teased, lazily wrapping her legs around his waist while he laughed. "Thank you for tonight," she smiled fondly after she swallowed her mouthful.

"No need to thank me," he shrugged glancing at his watch. "And it's now officially your birthday, so you can officially have your birthday gifts now if you want."

"You've already spoiled me too much," she sat the fork down, leaning up again to rest her hands on his shoulders and rubbing them softly beneath her fingertips. "Everything tonight, our vacation coming up, cooking for me every single time I'm here."

"Yeah, well I promise this is the last thing." he chuckled, moving his hands to her back and scooping her up. He carried her off to the bedroom while she nuzzled against his neck, reluctantly setting her on the edge of the bed while he got her her gift.

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