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It didn't take too long to pack up Pietro's things, Wanda had done the lost of it the day before and mostly needed hands to help her move it into the truck that would come to put it into the storage space.

They did it as quick as they could, not wanting to be in the place where Pietro's was killed for very long as it had an eerie feel to it. A deafening sadness.

After, they went out for dinner, a treat to improve their moods.

"So, is this like a fantasy thing or-" Clint started, having to whack Wanda on the back as she almost choked laughing on her food. Natasha narrowed her eyes coolly at them both.

"What I mean is, is that what intrigued you? Are you rebelling again?" He smirked, Wanda nudged him in the ribs sharply to stop him saying more patronising things as she laughed.

"Hey, be nice about it. They're a serious thing. He sent flowers, stupidly tried to save her from a mugger and ended up with a black eye. They didn't meet in class,"

"Thank you Wanda!" Natasha huffed "At least someone gets it, we aren't all perverted like you Clint."

"Natasha, I get it too. I'm just teasing." He grinned. "But I do know your mind and you've definitely at least thought about screwing him in a broom closet.- OW!" He yelped as she kick his shin under the table.

"You deserved that." Wanda raised her brows. "But, he's also not wrong." She pointed her fork at Natasha. "You've probably thought about that. Wouldn't be surprised if you've done it already."

"Could we PLEASE stop discussing my sex life while we are eating dinner?!" She hissed, holding out her hands as her two idiot friends sniggered softly. "We are actually in a normal relationship, thanks."

"Eh, I don't recall us going easy on Wanda when she hooked up with the gondola man in Venice. Or when I got drunk and ran off with the blonde girl in Spain." Clint raised his eyebrows. "It's payback time, little Miss innocent."

"Another good point. You deserve this." Wanda joked with Natasha who groaned.

"That blonde chick stole your wallet and phone after you passed out on her. That is prime teasing material...and I've never been innocent." She huffed, Clint shrugging as he sipped his water.

"You did go on about it for weeks, now it's my turn." He raised a brow at her, a strange look being shared between them. "And good point. I take the innocent comment back."

"You two are playing with fire." Wanda mumbled under her breath, stuffing lasagna in her mouth before anyone caught on.

Natasha quirked a brow at her before her phone distracted her, and she smiled as she answered her adoptive Aunt.

"I heard you're free. I need to check Barton is still 3 foot tall and obsessed with insects and nerf guns. He's still only about 8, right?" Maria joked, and Natasha smirked, glad she would have some back up on her side if either of them started their teasing again.

"Only mentally. Tell us where you are and we can meet you, or pick you up and head somewhere else. Who are you out with?"

"Tony, James And Steve," she replied. "I need backup. It's all football talk so I'm boarder line drunk from all the booze I've drank to cope with all the boring sports lingo."

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