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It was well passed midnight when she finally made it to James' apartment, having called a cab to save her time and get her there safely. The place was in darkness when she opened the door, curtains shut and the rooms silent as she figured he had retired to bed for the night, having tired of waiting for her.

She stopped by the kitchen, seeing a plate of spaghetti and meatballs on the counter, covered up and ready for her arrival. She pouted slightly at it, a small stirring of guilt amongst to the intense wave of love she felt for the small gesture. She put the wine bottle she had brought with her in the fridge along with some left over cake from the funeral, and went straight to his bedroom, pulling off her jacket and hanging it by the door as she passed.

His chest rose and fell slowly as he breathe deeply, laying on his back with his arms starfished out in the large bed, and she smiled fondly as she watched him from the doorway. She kicked her shoes off quietly and removed her jeans and top, stealing one of his T-shirt's from the wardrobe before crawling onto the bed. She managed to skip under the covers and into his side before she disturbed him, and he woke urgently with a gasp as he pulled back from the unknown figure in his bed.

"It's just me." She whispered, nuzzling his cheek as he exhaled heavily and dropped his head back onto the pillow while she kissed his cheek. Her hair smelled of her shampoo, a floral scent he had missed waking up too, and a mixture of cigar smoke. not that he mused, he buried his face into it as she kissed in at the crook of his neck, causing him to hum happily and pull the covers around her body which he then guided closer to his.

"I've missed you." He murmured sleepingly, letting her hands roam up across his chest in the darkness.

"I missed you more." She smiled, "Sorry I woke you. Get some sleep." She encouraged, resting her head on the pillow by his, but he was already stretching in an effort to wake himself up.

"What took you so long?" He yawned, "Was it all part of your teasing?"

She laughed softly, "I'm not that cruel. Remember I said my friend Clint was staying? He just needed a little pep talk before I left."

He nodded in understanding. "Is he alright? You didn't have to come over if he needed you. You guys have been through a shit thing recently."

"You can say that again." She mumbled with a sigh, "He's fine, he just needed a little TLC."

"Tender loving care?" James asked with a raise of his brows, perhaps a faint sign of jealousy as he watched her adjusted herself to be more comfortable beside him.

"A little. Everyone needs a hug now and then." She was thankful he now seemed too distracted giving her soft tender kisses to be listening. "But I wanted to see you. I've missed your little face."

He chuckled against her lips. "So I'm cute and little now?"

"Kittens are cute and little." She smirked, pressing kisses agains this lips again as he moved to hover over her, never letting their lips part.

"Let's get one thing clear on this whole kitten thing your surprisingly dirty mind has concocted." He murmured in amusement, peppering kisses along her collar bone. "The only one that will be purring tonight is you,"

"Hmm like the cat who got the cream?" She smirked, her eyes alight with excitement at the lustful look he gave her.

"God, I'm never going to win against you."

"No, but it's cute that you're trying." She pouted playfully as she danced her fingertips across his cheek. He sighed leaning up a little as he ran his hand from her knee up her thigh.

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