Thirty Two

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The tension in the air had lifted a little, and neither of them were quite as snappy around one another. The talk had helped clear the air a little, and it was an unspoken agreement to see how things would go. They had watched tv together last night, laughing and chatting as they would normally only on different sofas. Natasha had then gone to bed, and James has stayed on the sofa to sleep.

In the morning when he got up, she was already laying in the hammock outside with her book and a coffee mug resting on her lap. It was a slightly duller morning, a colder breeze since it was so early and she had a large jumper covering her. He noticed her through the window and raised his brows when he realised it was his jumper he hadn't seen is several months. He smiled to himself, not wanting to disturb her and headed to shower to get ready for the day.

When he returned fully dressed to the living area, she was in the kitchen with her lips pursed while she buttered some toast. Beside her on the counter was a large bouquet of flowers he immediately recognised while she avoided looking at him.

"Oh...shit." He breathed, moving towards them.

"Happy anniversary to you too," She took a bite of toast and chewed it before swallowing while he checked the small card with it.

"I'm sorry, I forgot I had ordered these to be delivered." He could feel his cheeks heating up.

"I figured," she shook her head, waving her hand dismissively. "I just hope you're not mad that I didn't get you anything." She held up her plate. "I'll share toast?"

He gave a soft smile as he took a slice. "Are you okay?"

"It stung, but it's still nice to get flowers. Even if you didn't mean it." She brushed her thumb lightly across one of the petals. "I'm keeping them by the way, You were always the best at buying gifts."

His eyes flicker to her neck where she had the necklace he gave her for her birthday, and he realised he'd never seen her with it off since.

"Did we really meet a whole year ago?" He asked, "It feels like so much longer."

"A lifetime." She smiled faintly and re boiled the kettle.

"Never thought I'd date a girl that socked me so hard in the face." He teased, and she laughed lightly in response.

"I don't know why you did." She raised a brow as he brought out two new mugs to make coffee with and shook his head.

"Must've know it would be worth it." He commented,  making them both a coffee and handing her the mug.  Natasha didn't say anything but smiled slightly as she looked up at him.

"Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I do." He replied. They'd had a few fights, serious ones, but there was a whole lot of good in that year too. "It's been great knowing you for a year."

She didn't reply right away, just gave him a sad sort of smile in return. "It's been alright..." she teased, letting her lips fall into a smirk and they both laughed.


James was enjoying how relaxing Hawaii was a more now that things were a little more civil. It had a calming affect to listen to the waves hitting the sand, creating a hold on you that made you never want to leave. It really was paradise.

He lay out enjoying the warmth from the sun when Natasha returned from the store with a larger variety of food, filling the fridge and cupboards with it before walking out to the hammock where he was laying.

"If you fall out of that I can't promise I won't laugh." She announced her arrival, and he grinned in response.

"Don't worry about me, I'll manage just fine." He ignored the fact it took him a good five minutes to get in it. He looked up at her and then slowly narrowed his eyes. "What have you done?"

She rolled her eyes, annoyed he could read when she was up to something. She'd need to work harder at her poker face. "Only something which you do not have to be a part of, but I sure as hell am doing anyway."

"Enlighten me."

"Scuba diving." She shrugged. "Figured it was a must."

"Littler adventurer, aren't you?" He smiled, sitting up a little. "I'm up for that. When?"

"Just in a few days, over at the dock over there," she nodded in the direction of the beach. "Lasts about an hour."

"Alright, sounds good..."

She watched him sit in the awkward half upright position for a moment. "Do you want a hand out of the hammock."

"Only if you're not going to bring it up at every chance you get."

She offered her hand out to him. "Just this once."

He took her hand, letting her help him keep
his balance. "How the hell do you get out of this

"Honestly? You didn't hear the thud when I feel out of it this morning?" She raised her brows, lifting her knee up a little. It had a faint graze on her kneecap, not enough to draw blood.

He chuckled softly. "I'm glad it's not just me then," he realised he was still holding onto her hand even though he was now standing, and they gently let go, but had their eyes fixed on one another.

"Hey, want to go out for dinner?" She asked, shrugging a little. "There's a really good restaurants along the beach, I ate there a few days ago, but a family tried to adopt me. I think they felt sorry for me." She frowned. "It was humiliating."

"Didn't fancy running away with a new family then?" He smirked, chuckling when she raised her brows.

"If they were fun and rich, then sure. But they kind of looked like they wanted to harvest my organs."

"Natasha!" He laughed, and she smiled sweetly in response.

"Single girl out in the big bad world, I'm a target for those sorts of people. Got to keep my wits about me." She teased.

He shook his head in amusement. "Alright, I'll come protect you from any potential organ harvesters."

"I don't need protection, just live bait as a distraction. Your kidneys will be worth more than mine."  She commented as she walked away to change out today's bikini.

God, he'd missed her.


James was listening to her hum along to the music playing from her phone as she brushed her hair, sitting in front if the vanity unit in her towel while he filtered through her case for something to wear.

Pulling out his jeans, the pocket of them crunched softly in his hands and he frowned as he pulled out the small piece of paper continuing a phone number.

He frowned at it and looked up towards the large bouquet of flowers and then back towards the door to the bedroom as Natasha applied some mascara.

He scrunched up the piece of paper in his hand and threw it into the trash, returning to his case to pick out a shirt to wear to dinner, with his only thought being which shirt he'd look best in.

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