Chapter Eight

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I woke up with sun shining directly in my eyes, one of the most unpleasant things to wake up to. Not only that, I was hearing a blender that was coming from the kitchen and then I realized I didn't hear things in the kitchen so clearly from my room, nor did I ever get sun coming in the window. I was in mom's room. I got up so quickly from the bed, like it was on fire, the blanket falling off as I did so. I then felt a cool draft on my legs. I wasn't wearing any pants or shoes. I was just in my underwear and my tank top, thank God I had my bra on. But wait! I don't remember taking off my clothes, well my pants that is. I saw a robe at the end of the bed so I picked it up and threw it on then made my way to the kitchen where all the noise was coming from.

As I entered the kitchen I saw Nessa there, blending her life away and when she finally pressed the off button I greeted her,

"Good morning to you too," I said and she jumped and turned to me and smile,

"Good morning Emily!" Said the little voice and when I turned Lucas was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Uhmm hey Lucas," I said to him, what was he doing here. I turned to Nessa and she was just smiling. What is wrong with her?

"How are you feeling?" Lucas asked.

"I'm ok now," I told him.

"Are you sure?" Nessa continued and I looked at he annoyingly. "I'm just making sure."

"Did you take my pants off?" I asked her.

"What?" She looked at me cluelessly.

"I don't remember taking off my clothes when I fell asleep, well before ," then I went closer to her and whispered, "did Sam undress me?" And then she started laughing.

"As tempting as it is to entertain that thought, no. It was me. Sam called me shortly after your... Episode last night so I came over."

"Was he still here when you got here?" I asked,.

"Of course he was," she shook her head, "Sam's a gentleman and well a doctor so he wanted to make sure you were ok. Guess you didn't kiss him for nothing then."

"You kissed my dad?" I heard Lucas' voice say next to me, way to go Nessa. How did he get over here so fast? She was close to bursting into laughter now.

"No I didn't," I defended.

"But Auntie Nessie just said that you did," he replied.

"I know but uhm ... She meant on the cheek..."

"Does that mean you're his girlfriend? My friend Eric said that his mom and her boyfriend kiss on the lips so that means..."

"No! It was on the cheek," I defended, "like friends do all the time. You know like you kissed me goodnight last night." Then his face lit up and his smile grew big and wide,

"We're friends?" He asked.

"Well of course we are," I needed Nessa to help me out here so I turned to her, "tell him Nessa that Sam and I are good friends." She then stooped down to Lucas and spoke,

"Lucas baby, Emily and your dad are just really really close, good friends ok, " she said stressing on the close part, "that's why he came and see her this morning before he left for work because that's what friends do."

"Ok. Can I play the piano?" He asked

"Of course," Nessa said as she ruffled his hair. He then ran to mom's piano and I turned away before I could watch him begin to play.

"He came this morning?" I asked,

"Well yea, he had to drop Lucas off," of course that's why. "But yes he did go in the bedroom and check on you. You know, like a good doctor does."

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