The new job

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"Emm... hello ?" That sounded like a damn cat dying and reaching for help! Ugh, I could of at least sounded like a fucking woman , a seductive one . But no, I am a stupid broke idiot who is in a desperate need for money.

"Yes , who is it speaking?" Well that sounded like a professional woman.

"I am Amy ... well.. I want to join your club, like you know work in it." Pathetic. I am not made for this .
"As in a bar tender ? A dancer ? A what? Be more specific,please." She is right.

"Right. Am sorry. I would like to work as in an escort , or a .. paid hooker , or you know ..? " I was definitely shaking. What have I put myself in ? What in god's name have I gotten myself into ? But I am sure that God is far away from this.

" a prostitute ? " she sounded amused. Of course.

"Yes, madam. A prostitute. That would be good , if it's possible."

"Honey, it's always possible if you have the body , the face and the no-dignity , desperate and in need of money personality." Now she was being rude. But in reality she was right again. She kind of summed up my whole situation." So , all you have to do is come to the adresse tomorrow at 6:00 pm and we'll check you out . If he likes you , he'll employ you."

" Okay, I have the adresse. But who will like me , I mean employ me ?" Please don't tell me I will be checked over by some kinky old rich pervert man who will have to fuck me in order to employ me. Ugh.

"See you tomorrow, bye." She hung up. The rude , blunt woman hung up .

It's fine. No it's not. I am paranoid, scared and nervous. I have no solution for my financial problem , I left my family years ago and now I am about to get kicked out of my shitty apartment and I'll have to live in the streets if I don't get that...job?Yeah , job. But I do have friends. Two to be exact one girl Naomi who gave me the number of this club because her friend works there and a boy Tommy who knows nothing about what I am going to face from now on. The problem is that they are both broke and they just deal with their own rent and problems money related. I do love them , a lot . I've known them for 3 years. We used to go to the university together only I dropped out they continued. A long story why I did.
Enough . I should get prepared. Mentally and physically. I showered and cleaned myself. And then I chose my most revealing outfit for tomorrow, which consisted of a tight small blue dress, black tights and black tall boots. It looked.. hot. At least like an expensive slut. Again pathetic.
Organized it for tomorrow and went to sleep with a pounding head ..and heart.

It was 4:47,I did nothing the whole day but sleep and straighten my hair. And now I had to get out to go fetch a bus , after a long distance of walking. The buses are also hard to find seeing the neighborhood I lived in, and that club was far away from my apart.
At 5:33 I arrived at the 13th street where it existed that damn bar, and now I had to walk for about 6 to 7 minutes until I find it.
Following the gps on my crappy phone until I stood in front of it. Wow. It 's quite fancy may I say. Pretty and simple which gives it that rich aura. I noticed that the most common color was a pitch cliché red , and black was helping create that dark aesthetic of a club where people with expansive taste liked to spend time in. And guess what ? I was nothing fancy nor expansive. Just.. great!
With a nervous path , I stepped into it and was welcomed by a receptionist who smiled at me as if she recognized me.

"Hello Amy. You're early.Eager to" Oh that rude woman on the phone yesterday.

"Hello, I am quite early I presume. Work? Right.. I.."

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