The she...

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⚠️ you know what this sign means...Enjoy!!

''Ow!'' The stunning woman said.

''I'm sorry...I...'' Didn't know what to say. I was shocked, nervous and curious... who is she? what was she doing with Nathan?

''It's fine,dear.'' She said with a very soft tone that astounded me. I thought she was going to scream or worst humiliate me! I stared at her for real this time and I swear I felt intimidated. To say she was beautiful is an understatement. She was gorgeous. I loved how she managed to rock red hair and what I loved the most was how her blue eyes contrasted yet completed that color. A walking beauty almost as fine as Nathan.


''What the fuck are you doing here?'' I said glancing at him and the woman gasped. Did I say something wrong? I turned to her and saw that her eyes were widened and her mouth was hanging. '' I know Mr.Donabrio here.'' I explained as if she should know that by him calling me Cassie.

''I am here for dinner,Cassie.'' That smirk of his is frustrating. ''What are you doing here?''

'' I own the place.'' I said with no hint of sarcasm in my tone and almost laughed at his expression. '' I work here,Nathan. Obviously.'' I sighed, put my hand on my hip, and looked at him dead in the eyes. I missed him. Actually I missed how devilishly hot he is. His hair grew a bit making my fingers ache to pass through it, his eyes had some tiredness in them as if sleeping was a foreign word to their language. His mouth was ...

''Amalia!'' I snapped out of my fantasies, pursed my lips and raised both my eyebrows at him so he could re-tell me what I missed ''My date here...'' and I looked at her to find a funny confused expression on her face, at least am not the only one who gets confused because of him.
''...would love to have your special for dinner'' I noted that and hummed so he could continue. ''And I'll have les spaghettis à la bolonaise.'' I stopped writing the orders and frowned at him.

He left his head from the menu to find my judging figure. He made this face as if to say what?
'' Seriously?'' And he shook his head, not to say no, but to say that he didn't understand. ''You came here to eat ...spaghettis?'' And he nodded. ''You are not getting that. You'll have the same as your... date.'' Spaghettis? Too damn easy to make in a fucking bathroom.

With no comment from them both, I headed towards the kitchen with the orders, and a plastered smirk on my face...I liked how Nathan didn't insist on ordering his first choice but left me choosing for him...well, choosing is not the exact word!

''Two specials, please.''I told the chef, who was sitting on a chair looking at his phone. He doesn't get to cook much in here. But some meals on the menu need a real chef. Their names are as complicated as how they look in a plate!

I looked back at Nathan from where I was standing near the kitchen, and felt a ping in my chest. The woman really suited him, she was exactly like him. Beautiful, rich , elegant... she was the perfect match. And here I was regretting not going out with him. Like I said he probably needed to get laid!

After a few minutes, I took the food to their table along with a bottle of wine, said a quick bon appétit and headed for the back of the restaurant.

God...that man is really playing with the little emotions I have left. It's quite maddening how he seems to have so much control over me yet all he does is fucking exists. Usually it would take a man days of persuasion, impressions, gentle get as much as a single thought of him in my mind. And here I am, thinking about Nathan all the time, a man with no interest in women like me.
I took in a big breath and looked at the sky. It was dark and bright, both at the same time and it reminded me of the pretty night I shared with Nathan at Anges & Enfer. Sometimes I say it was just sex, but most of the time I know it was the best sex I had. And that fucking terrified me. Just like it terrified me before when...

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