The pen.

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⚠️ Dirty part alert!! Enjoy!

''...Fuck you.'' I said that and hang up immediately. Is he serious? He is just going to call after what he ruined for me? I must be dreaming. I pinched myself and I felt it. Damn it.

Just As I was returning my phone back on the nightstand , it ringed again.
''What?'' My voice was so harsh and mad, I thought I was gonna break my phone with how hard I was holding it.
''Where are your manners,Cassie?'' He was clearly amused by my on growing frustration.

''I left them up your ass. And I am no longer Cassie, since you fired me.'' The anger in that sentence was so strong and also the hatred I felt for this asshole or disappointment...I don't know! ''Now I have no income, no money...nothing!'' When I say it sounds more than scary.

''They didn't pay you?'' He asked in a confused way.

''They did. But what about the coming days? God now I have to find some new club to work at..'' I sighed at the end and shook my head, passing my fingers through my hair.

''No you won't !'' He groaned saying.

''Excuse me ? Who are you to tell me what to do!''I asked throwing the same hand that was in my hair in the air to prove my point,as if he could see me.

''I said you won't work as a prostitute Anymore.'' He was again calm and firm.

''You are crazy...who the hell are you for real? And where the fuck did you get my number?'' If he knows me from before...

''I got it from the receptionist, sweetheart.''

''don't call me that.'' I was about to ask again who he really was, but I won't...just for now. He doesn't seem like a danger. Except the fact that he left me broke. Asshole.

''I can think of so many other things I can call you with,sweetheart.'' He said in that sexy voice of his, making me uncontrollably clench my thighs.

''You are so full of yourself...It's annoyingly annoying.'' I told him. He chuckled , and the sound of it vibrated in my ear causing me to move my free hand down my stomach to my very sensitive spot.

I laid my back on the bed, my hand still holding my phone and the other played slightly with my clit waiting for him to say whatever the hell he'll say...he could tell me to go fuck myself and I would say I am already doing it. He truly is a fantasy.

''So I've been told before.'' there was a long silence only my harsh breathing was heard through the phone. ''Are you touching yourself , sweetheart?'' He made me immediately stop.

''Yes.''I said in that timid tone I am used to use. Being caught masturbating is not something to be proud of.

''Amalia,who made you play with yourself?''


''You, Nathan.'' I admitted, Any girl would have done the same, I bet no one can resist him. Lucky piece of shit.

''fuck.'' there was some rambling in the back ground, as if he was moving things.

''Talk to me Nathan.'' I pleaded, sounding like some
horny 15 year old. My hand was moving faster, and my moans were growing louder. This man will be the death of me.


''You said that before.'' I love making fun of him. Of such a big man.literally big. Just thinking about his size made me insert to fingers inside of me.

''How wet are you ?''

''Dripping...I am taking off my panties.'' I did. easily since I was only wearing a big ass shirt. He cursed again and I can tell he was touching himself too.

''Just picture me sliding into your hot cunt, me fucking you...making you feel as good as I did yesterday...'' and I did picture it was hot.

''Nathan... I am so close!'' My fingers were in a synchronized movement, in and out, in and out. Thinking it was his manhood instead of my fingers.

''Come for me,sweetheart.'' And like a lost a puppy I followed his orders and came. His name falling out of my mouth like some beautiful song I am obsessed with. And I can tell he came too by the fact that his groan aroused me right after I came. I must be sex crazed or something!

''That was ...something I never did before.'' He admitted and I scoffed rolling my eyes.
'' Now Nathan, don't think I would believe that.'' He never done phone sex before ? The sex god himself?
''It's true... I found it childish.'' And I raised a questioning eyebrow but he can't see me again. ''But now that opinion changed.'' Good.

I glanced at my phone and saw that it was almost 3:00am, I groaned and said ''it's late...I have to go back to sleep.'' I waited for his reply and I waited for heavy seconds.

''Go on a date with me.'' I am really just dreaming.

''Are you okay?'' I really needed to ask that. Because him? Asking me out? Admitting that never done phone sex before?.....This night I just kept on questioning everything when it came to this man.

''Yes. And don't think because I am rich and all whatever you see me as, that I don't go on dates.'' He had a point in there. I thought about it... for real, and I wanted to go.

''No.'' But I refused because I wasn't buying it. After what ? Fucking me twice and giving me an orgasm over the phone? No.

''You just rejected me.'' He almost sounded hurt. ''That's new.'' He didn't believe it! Just like I didn't believe he fired me.

''Get used to it by now.'' I said and waited and then
he said nothing back ''good night,Mr.Donaborio.''

''Night, Cassie.'' Why did he sound so...disappointed? He thought I was going to accept that easily?

It has been 1 week and 3 days since I talked with Nathan. Well since I so deliberately rejected his offer to go on a date with him.
Honestly? I expected more than just giving up on me. Because that's what men do. They ask you, you refuse, they ask you again. Right? But again ...Donabrio is far from being a normal man.
I guess he thought I was going to accept, we would go out , fuck and never see each other again. Good thing I refused. Yeah...that's why you are regretting it, right? God! If I ever cut my head off, It's because of that bitch of a conscience!!

''Hey Amy!! We have table 8 for you.'' Yeah... I sticked to a waitress after all. But I managed to pick a very fancy restaurant. What is it with me and fancy stuff when I am nothing close to fancy?

I grabbed my notebook , where I write the orders, and headed to that table they said is now full. In here , you can't sit without reservations...No wonder why it's nearly empty. About 3 or 4 tables are full.
I reached the table in question and stood there, head down,looking for my pen to scribble the orders... And guess what? The pen vanished from my work outfit's pocket. Damn it, not now!
I searched in the inside of my notebook, I glanced back at the counter where I stood, thinking that I left it there, but I didn't. luck was playing some serious tricks on me these last few days.
Just when I sighed defeated...

''I think the pen you're searching for is in your other hand,Cassie.'' A very familiar and amused voice said.
And just like that the pen in question fell from my hand to hit the woman he was with on her head.

Thanks guys for giving my first book a try!!! Hope you're enjoying it!?
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