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I watched myself in the mirror
And all I see are imperfections
You watch me from the doorway
And all you see is perfection
I think I'm too fat
You think I'm just right
I hate my mousy brown hair
You think my hair is beautiful mahogany
I hate the little scar above my eye
You love it with all your might
I hate my grayish eyes
You love my deep blue eyes
I hate my greenish skin
You love my olive tone
I hate everything about myself
You love everything about me
I only see the imperfections
You only see perfection
And I love you every day for that  


I wrote this for the WritersOfTheMoon* prompt 'Perfection'

Hope you like it .

*WritersOfTheMoon is a writing group on DeviantArt

Comment and poem originally published on 3/19/2011

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