A Blink of an Eye

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I know you love me
You know I love you
But Mama
You have to let me go
All I do is bring you pain
Why don't we say goodbye
And go our separate ways
I know it hurts
But I don't want to hurt you
And no matter what I do
That's all I seem to do
I'm sorry Mama
That's all I seem to do
I love you Mama
Always remember that
You have to stay here
I have to go
I know it hurts
But you have to let me go
You have to stay here
And I have to go stay in Heaven
Goodbye mama, I love you
Tell the family I said goodbye
Give my brother a hug
For my arms will no longer move
I can barely take a breath
My time has come
I can see them
The angels in the sky
They say hello
And they'll see you in a few years
When my brother grows up
Tell him not to do what I did
I want to be buried at home
That way my brother will always know
I suffered the consequences of my actions
I drank and drove
I killed and then I died


Poem published 1/8/2008 on dA

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