Daniel Seavey: This Time, With Emotion

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I know I've seen stuff like this before. I'm not sure if it's been done much in this fandom though, so I wanted to put my own spin on it.


You had been taking cello lessons for quite a while. Once a week, you headed over to your local music store, where you would listen to your instructor yell at you. His name was Steve, and he never forgot to tell you that you sucked. That didn't matter; all you cared about was improving.

It was like any other day. You lugged your cello through the front doors of the store, and looked around for Steve.

He was nowhere in sight.

You heard someone playing an acoustic guitar near the back of the store. Following the sound, you stumbled upon a beautiful boy with beautiful eyes. He was sitting on the floor in the corner, mindlessly strumming. It sounded like he was playing an accompaniment to that one pop song... you couldn't remember the name. 6 Figures maybe? Nah, that was some cringy YouTube kid. Eventually you remembered: 8 Letters.

The boy looked up from his guitar. "Hi, can I help you?" he asked. He had a unique voice.

"Yeah, is Steve here?" you replied.

"Steve's my great uncle. He's out of town today, so he asked me to watch the shop. Is there something I can do for you?"

"Well, I came for my cello lesson, but obviously, if Steve's not here..."

"Oh, you're Y/N!" he exclaimed. "I'm Daniel! My uncle said you'd be here. I can give you your lesson today, if that's okay."

"Oh, yeah, sure!" you replied.

The boy sat his guitar down and stood up. "Here, I can take your cello, if you want," he said.

"Thanks!" you said, handing it to him.

He lead you into a practice room where you opened up your case and pulled out your cello.

"What have you been working on?" he asked. You dug through your folder to find your sheet music. You handed it to him.

"Wow, my uncle has bad taste..." he said. You laughed.

"Yeah, I don't like it either."

"Well," he said, sitting down on a stool across from you, "let's hear it."

You played through the song, quickly. Daniel sat emotionless.

"Yeah, no. We're finding you something better to play," he said. "Wait here."

Soon he came back with a new sheet of music. "Here, try this," he said. "My band and I wrote it. I know it's July, but without lyrics you can't even tell it's a Christmas song." The title was Kiss You This Christmas.

You played through the song at a fast tempo. When you were done, Daniel spoke. "I would call that perfect, if you were a robot. But you're not a robot, so try it again. This time, with emotion."

You began playing it again, but this time, Daniel stopped you about 10 measures in.

"Here," he said. "Let me help you."

Daniel moved his stool so that it was behind yours. He sat. Gently, he put his hands over yours: on the strings and on the bow. His chest pressed up against your back. You shivered.

"Are you cold?" he asked. "I can turn the heat up..."

"No!" you replied quickly. "I'm fine! I'm good! Let's play!"

At a slow tempo, he moved the bow back and fourth and adjusted the positioning of your fingers. It was a weird, but not undesirable experience. When he was done, he removed his hands from yours, and moved back to where he was sitting.

"Now it's your turn. Play it with emotion, like that," said Daniel.

"Daniel," you said, "I'll never be able to play it as well as you can..."

"Just try," he replied. "You're a smart girl, I can tell. I have faith in you. Just... think of the hottest guy you've ever seen and play it!"

Only one face came to mind: Daniel's.

You inhaled deeply, and began playing.

It was an out of body experience; your fingers flew across the strings with a new swiftness and agility. Your bow glided back and forth with grace.

When you were done with the song, you looked up at Daniel.

His mouth was hanging open.

"Y/N... that was beautiful. My uncle was lying; you definitely don't suck! That was better than when I played it!"

"Really?" you asked, puzzled.

"Yes!" he said. "That gave me chills, Y/N. CHILLS."

"Um.. thank you?!?!" you replied.

Suddenly, an alarm went off on Daniel's phone.  He frowned.

"I guess that means your lesson's over," he said, somberly.

You thought for a moment. "Well..." you said, "Do you think you uncle would be mad if he lost a client?"

"Probably, why?" asked Daniel. Then, his face lit up. "Wait!" he exclaimed, "Are you asking if..."

"Yup!" you said, excitedly.

"I'm flattered!" said Daniel. "Of course I'll give you lessons! My uncle might not be too happy about it, but..."

You cut him off. "Your uncle will be fine. He hated me."

"How could he hate you?" he asked. "Your pretty, and smart, and talented..."

"You think I'm pretty?" you asked, boldly.

"I mean, yeah, I guess," he said, blushing. "But your cello technique is beautiful. To be honest, Steve is probably jealous of it..."

Then, your phone rang. It was your friend calling; you realized you were late to an event you had to attend.

Quickly, you and Daniel exchanged phone numbers so that you could set up times.

When that was done, you bid farewell, grabbed your cello, and ran out the door.


That night, you got a text:

Unknown: Hey, it's me. I know you're my 'client' now, or whatever, but would you possibly be interested in seeing a movie with me this weekend?

You smiled, and sent your response:

You: Duh. Of course!

Feel free to comment, and stuff.  I love seeing and responding to what you guys have to say. Ily all!

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